

The lab work, wiki design and development, poster design and any images or diagrams were done by team members except where otherwise attributed.

People who helped us

Biology technicians
We’d like to thank the brilliant biology technicians at our school for sourcing and setting up the equipment we used in our lab work.
Alexander Wood
Alexander Wood and his physics department at CLS, kindly allowed us to use his soldering equipment. He and the physics technicians put up with us coming early in the morning on several days to build the fluorometer in his lab - without them our hardware would not exist!
Professor Laurence Lovat and Sujal Desai
He helped us design our questionnaire and distribute it.
Kirsten Jensen, Imperial
Kirsten helped with troubleshooting whenever OpenWetWare and other forums did not yield useful info. She also helped us secure sequencing vouchers from Eurofins, as well as allowed us to store our competent cells and cell-free extracts in Imperial’s labs. Lastly, she rescued us when we urgently needed more pSB1C3 plasmid with some miniprepped BBa_J04450 that they had from last year. She has been our go-to person whenever we “hit the wall” and has we have used her as the fountain of all knowledge. Her continuous encouragement was much appreciated throughout the project.
Alleyn’s School
Alleyn’s kindly laser-cut the casing and 3D printed the cuvette holders we needed to build our spectroflorometer.
Denver Biolabs iGEM 2016
Denver Biolabs shared their designs for the spectrofluorometer housing and cuvette holders and allowed use their code as a starting point. This design was adapted from the original Aachen design. We improved the hardware further by simplifying the circuit, and making it work off a Digispark so it was significantly cheaper and could output to any phone or computer.
Aachen iGEM 2014
Aachen created the initial guide to building a spectrofluorometer including a useful component list and an initial circuit diagram which we later simplified. They also helped us troubleshoot our device via email.
We |collaborated with Westminster, and they allowed us to use their plate reader to do the Interlab.

Wiki attributions

  • Sponsor logos were provided by our Sponsors
  • The mobile hamburger menu animation was based off [ Antonija Simic’s codepen]
  • The general lab safety rules sheet was provided by our school’s science department
  • The soldering risk assessment was provided by our school’s physics department