- Prof. Dr. Nediljko Budisa supported us with his expertise in the aaRS evolution and even inviting us to work on our project in his lab at the TU Berlin.
- Dr. Florian Richter helped us a lot with his knowledge about ROSETTA and supported our modelling team with their project.
- Iker Valle Aramburu, predoctoral fellow at the EMBL Heidelberg, supported us with his expertise in labeling non-canonical amino acids and participated at our conference.
General support
- Prof. Dr. Jörn Kalinowski gave us the opportunity to participate in iGEM by providing us with our own laboratory and the resources of his work group.
- Dr. Christian Rückert participated in our weekly team meetings and helped us over the whole time with advice and assistance.
- Prof. Dr. Kristian Müller supported us with advice and equipment.
- Julian Droste and Boas Pucker: A special thank you to our both advisors for supporting and encouraging us to realize all our ideas. A lot of supervisors would have advised us to choose an easier project or to focus only on a small part. Thank you so much for letting us be so creative and productive as possible.
Material, constructional and analytical support
- The work group Microbial Genomics and Biotechnology allowed us to use their laboratories and equipment and showed great patience when we occupied many of the facilities.
- Dr. Sandip Jadhav, Dr. Marcel Frese and Prof. Dr. Norbert Sewald: A huge thank you for helping us synthetizing our own non-canonical amino acid. Without you providing your lab and supervising us this part would have been difficult to realize.
- Prof. Dr. Dario Anselmetti from the research group biophysics and nanoscience provided us equipment and expertise for all subprojects requiring biophysical methods.
- Dr. Thorsten Seidel from the research group dynamic cell imaging provided us help with the fluorescence microscope and expertise in bio imaging and with the FRET system.
- Prof. Dr. Dirk Lütkemeyer, Dr. Benjamin Müller, Prof. Dr. Thomas Noll and Ole Weigelt for their encouragement and tips regarding to the new chromatography method including the light elution.
- Dr. Vera Ortseifen assisted us in preparing and measuring samples for the protein identification via MALDI-TOF/TOF.
Human practices support
- Prof. R. Alta Charo is one of our quoted experts in the CHIMP report and supported and encouraged us with her expertise in bioethics.
- Prof. Sune Holm answered our questions concerning bioethics in the CHIMP report.