Dr. Florian Richter helped us a lot with his knowledge about ROSETTA and supported our modelling team with their project.
Iker Valle Aramburu, predoctoral fellow at the EMBL Heidelberg, supported us with his expertise in labeling non-canonical amino acids and participated at our conference.
General support
Dr. Christian Rückert participated in our weekly team meetings and helped us over the whole time with advice and assistance.
Prof. Dr. Kristian Müller supported us with advice and equipment.
Julian Droste and Boas Pucker: A special thank you to our both advisors for supporting and encouraging us to realize all our ideas. A lot of supervisors would have advised us to choose an easier project or to focus only on a small part. Thank you so much for letting us be so creative and productive as possible.
Material, constructional and analytical support
Dr. Sandip Jadhav, Dr. Marcel Frese and Prof. Dr. Norbert Sewald: A huge thank you for helping us synthetizing our own non-canonical amino acid. Without you providing your lab and supervising us this part would have been difficult to realize.
Prof. Dr. Dario Anselmetti from the research group biophysics and nanoscience provided us equipment and expertise for all subprojects requiring biophysical methods.
Dr. Thorsten Seidel from the research group dynamic cell imaging provided us help with the fluorescence microscope and expertise in bio imaging and with the FRET system.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lütkemeyer, Dr. Benjamin Müller, Prof. Dr. Thomas Noll and Ole Weigelt for their encouragement and tips regarding to the new chromatography method including the light elution.
Dr. Vera Ortseifen assisted us in preparing and measuring samples for the protein identification via MALDI-TOF/TOF.
Human practices support
Prof. Sune Holm answered our questions concerning bioethics in the CHIMP report.