Meet the TeamThe Lubbock_TTU Team is part of a student organization at Texas Tech University known as iGEM Raiders. This year, the iGEM Raiders team is composed of 11 undergraduate and graduate students.
Brandon PalomoPresident & Student Leader
Brandon's bio here.
Gregory KnoxVice President
Greg's bio here.
Angela AhrensWet Lab Member
Angela's bio here.
Brittany GaitherPublic Relations Director
Brittany's bio here.
Brittney HoangSecretary & Wet Lab Manager
Brittney's bio here.
Darron TharpWet Lab Member
Darron's bio here.
Fernando NunezWet Lab Member
Fernando's bio here.
Kaitlyn MoseleyPublic Outreach Director
Kaitlyn's bio here.
Kenia AscencioTreasurer & SORC Representative
Kenia's bio here.
Brandon PalomoPresident & Student Leader
Brandon's bio here.
Gregory KnoxVice President
Greg's bio here.
Diane HaDry Lab Manager & Wiki Developer
Diane is a senior Physics students minoring in Mathematics. She joined iGEM to experience hands on research and explore the field of synthetic biology. Her career interests include conducting research, computational physics, and space exploration. Her hobbies include watching cartoons, cooking, and painting.
Tan PhamDry Lab Member
Tan's bio here.
Holden FriedAdvisor
Holden's bio here.
Leo DiazAdvisor
Leo's bio here.
Zachary NguyenAdvisor
Zach's bio here.
Faculty NameFaculty
Faculty's bio here.
Faculty NameFaculty
Faculty's bio here.
Faculty NameFaculty
Faculty's bio here.
What should this page contain?
- Include pictures of your teammates, don’t forget instructors and advisors!
- You can add a small biography or a few words from each team member, to tell us what you like, and what motivated you to participate in iGEM.
- Take team pictures! Show us your school, your lab and little bit of your city.
- Remember that image galleries can help you showcase many pictures while saving space.
You can look at what other teams did to get some inspiration!
Here are a few examples:
- METU Turkey
- Colombia
- Stony Brook
- OUC-China