
-----* The world language *-----

KU Leuen

As we all know, the iGEM team are from all over the world, even if we use English to communicate, but the language barrier still cannot be ignored. To this reason, we cooperated with Ku Leuen team in translating other countries’ team introductions into the local language (for us are Chinese). In this circumstance, Chinese teams would grab the information more clearly, and handle cooperation more effectively.

-----* A standard protocal *-----

BIT & HFUT-China

Recently, more and more team selected microfluidic technology and lyophilized bacteria technology, but there were no standardized guidelines. This year, from September to October, we cooperated with the BIT team, based on our own project design, making a micro flow control and freeze-dried bacteria protocol. Importantly, this protocol standard open freely, and we are glad if other teams would provide supplements according to their experimental data. Hopefully this standard protocol will be vital to iGEM teams as much as possible. See the protocol (Chinese only now)

-----* Lab test and modeling *-----


In October 3rd , we decided to providing help about the mathematical modeling for Lanzhou iGEMers.


We communicated about T7 amplified system with FAFU-China, at the same time, illustrated our problems appearing in the experimental stage. They gave us positive solution feedbacks based on their T7 system design. Finally, FAFU and us established collaboration that they would help us test the formaldehyde promoter and T7 amplification system.

-----* Gogreen *-----

Gogreenguide by TU Dresden

"Gogreen" called on us in all aspects of project process, such as the human practice, travelling plan, communication and cooperation, to uphold the concept of environmental protection, reducing unnecessary waste as possible. From the microscopic perspective, there were iGEM teams of more than 300 per year, if every teams participated in this activity, then the influence conducted by "Gogreen" would be immeasurable.