Team:Wageningen UR/Application/Device

Production of Viral Antigens

In order to fully implement the point of care nature of our diagnostic, we developed a small battery powered device, which is easily brought into the field. The device is capable of measuring the fluorescence produced by our bacterial diagnostic system. The addition of a GPS sensor tags the location of the measurement for epidemiological analysis. By using 3D printing as well as the open source Arduino system, we were capable of producing an affordable product.

Working off the idea that we wanted a portable device quickly led us to a consumer 3D printer allowing us to do rapid prototyping. The printer we used is an Ultimaker 2+ provided to us by Ultimaker. We wanted a device that could show a fluorescent signal so we came we came up with our first designs. The fluorescent molecules produced by our system are excited by UV-LED’s with a specific wavelength. The emission spectrum is visible by the naked eye and this is how we planned to read out the signal. The membrane sealed sample vials containing our bacterial system are placed in the device from the top. Initially we started off with a device which fits one sample. However we soon realised that adding a positive and negative control makes out device more reliable. Once the button is pressed the UV-LED’s are turned on and the signal can be compared to the positive and negative control in order to determine the result. This approach was problematic since lighting conditions, background signal and observers are not a set variable. This prompted us rethink the way the device works and version 2 was on the way.