This week, I added the menu bar to the Wiki, created the team logo, and designed the layout of the main page. I also added to the Project Description.
This week, I added to the Project Description, added 6 protocols to the Protocols tab, and created the Safety tab. I also edited the AubI and BjaI parts pages.
This week, I helped Jiaqi with psB1C3 cloning, doing a gel extraction on the digested plasmid. For the Wiki, I finished the Protocols tab, while also adding information to the About the Team tab. I also added information to the BraI and CerI parts pages.
This week, I helped Jiaqi with psB1C3 cloning, making liquid culture for Aub, Bja, Bra and Cer inserts. I also retransformed all 10 systems in BL21 for OD600 and mCherry test next week. For the Wiki, the Team description page was updated, as well as the Basic Parts, Composite Parts, and Part Collection tables. Also, I helped work on the presentation for a practice presentation next Monday.
This week, I ran a 96-well plate over an 8-hour read to test OD600 and mCherry absorbance over time. This proof-of-concept experiment was done in order to demonstrate that it is likely that the AHL is being produced in E. coli. This is because the AHL gene is located upstream of the mCherry gene, so the production of mCherry should also mean AHL production.
For the wiki, I worked on the Project Description, added Attributions, and more Safety information. The Human Practices page was also started.
This week, I retransformed the 10 systems and re-ran the OD tests over an 8 hour period, because the previous run had produced a negative trend of mCherry production over time. The results were more promising, but the Esa, Lux, Rhl, and Rpa systems will be rerun next week in order to produce reasonable data.
For the wiki, I finished Attributions, worked on Human Practices and the Parts Overview tab, while also finishing up the Team description. I also added a graphic to the front page.
This week, I reran the OD test for the Esa, Lux, Rhl, and Rpa systems. These produced positive growth curves for mCherry over time, which is a good indicator of successful AHL production in E. coli.
For the wiki, I set up the Sin and Modular Sender Vector parts pages. I also added to the Aub, Bja, Bra, and Cer parts pages. I added to the Project Description, and Parts Overview tabs.
This week, I added to the Parts Pages in the registry and finished the Attributions tab.