
  1. Gas Vesicle Structure
  2. Mathematical Model
  3. Experimental Data
  4. Results
  5. References


Gas Vesicle Structure

Gas vesicles are proteineceous nano-structures that are utilized by many aquatic micro-organisms like halo-bacteria and some algae to provide buoyancy. The structure and arrangement is highly conserved between organisms with width being almost the only widely varying parameter. They contain gases which diffuse in during formation and are kept localised by the hydrophobicity of the inner membrane. Unlike true vesicles, these are made of proteins instead of phospholipids and are hence of considerable interest. Each gas vesicle is composed of two primary protein monomers, the gas vesicle forming proteins A (GvpA) and C (GvpC). The entire structure will be discussed in the following sections.

Verification of presence of Gas Vesicles

The easiest way to assay presence of gas vesicles is their disappearance under high pressure under a microscope. This was observed even during normal experiments. Fully filled micro-centrifuge tubes containing dilute gas vesicle suspensions lost their faint opalescence when the tube was closed (this did lead to a loss of samples). A more strict assay was done using DLS (See Dynamic Light Scattering) and SEM Imaging to pinpoint the exact size of the nano-particles. It was found that these gas vesicles have an effective hydrodynamic radius of around 230nm. This estimate was particularly valuable in the development of our model.


The gas vesicle forming protein A (~8kDa) forms the main ribbed structure of the gas vesicle. The 3-Dimensional structural model of the protein was recently decoded by Strunk ([1]). As was noted, the best probable docking pattern in a vesicle involves formation of a dimer and their consequent stacking. We intended to re-create the whole gas vesicle structure from this data and try to explain the growth pattern noticed during their formation. It is interesting to note that the hydrophobicity of the internally exposed part of GvpA is what keeps the gases from diffusing out.


The gas vesicle forming protein C is the second most abundant protein found in the nanostructure. It is still far rarer compared to GvpA (1:25 molar ratio, [2]) and does not contribute to the structure but rather to the integrity of the gas vesicle. The vesicles used in the various experiments were stripped of GvpC before use and hence were much more sensitive compared to wild type gas vesicles. The critical pressure for the gas vesicles was found to reduce drastically on the removal of this protein.

Stacking of proteins in a GV nanoparticle

3-Dimensional structure of the nanoparticle

Effective buoyant density

Most of the physical properties of the gas vesicles were uncovered by Walsby et al. In their groundbreaking review ([3]). They calculated the average buoyant density of a gas vesicle to be around 120kgm-3. Note that while this density if much less than that of water, it doesn’t necessarily imply a flotation advantage due to the presence of diffusive forces in a suspension. The smaller the particle, higher is the magnitude of these diffusive interactions and more is the deviation from the ideal concentration profile in a column. The mathematical model part of our project deals with finding how these profiles evolve for overtime and how this evolution changes when we purposefully make them flocculate using agents like chitosan and biotin-streptavidin.