We would like to thank all of the people who have helped make this project possible. For the past four years, undergraduates at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) have participated in iGEM and that would be impossible without significant support. This year, the team is composed of students studying Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Bioelectronics, Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental (MCD) Biology, and Chemical Engineering. This wide array of disciplines is crucial for the creative process behind using synthetic biology to advance solutions to problems. Modern engineering demands collaboration between individuals and pushes them to think critically and work efficiently. Through synthetic biology, the 2017 UCSC iGEM team is creating effective solutions and developing models for future success.
General Support
Spoke with us about his experience working with Spirulina and provided insight into working with the genetics of Spirulina.
Provided us with pAM1573.
Provided us with Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 and advice regarding the best plates to grow cyanobacteria.
Pioneered Acetaminophen production in E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is working with UCSC iGEM to extend the IP to photosynthetic organisms.
Members of the UCSC iGEM 2016 team provided us with valuable advice on project planning and execution.
Provided our team with lab materials, access to UV gel dock (check name), access to Thermo ScientificTM NanoDropTM 2000/2000c (check), and providing valuable suggestions and guidance on troubleshooting experiments.
Spoke with us about her experience working with cyanobacteria, specifically Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. Dr. Ruffing advised about optimizing growth conditions of our S. elongatus cultures.
Donated pipet tips and gloves and provided suggestions for troubleshooting issues with gel extraction.
Donated DPN1.
Donated gloves, gel extraction kits, and provided us with temporary lab space.
Provided us with advice on modeling.
Donated monobasic potassium phosphate.
Assisted our team in ordering the parts needed for the riboswitch component of our project.
Sequenced our samples of pAM2991, pAM1573, ssuE, 4ABH, bluB, and nhoA.
Lab support
Provided technical support and handled incoming shipments for the Biomolecular Engineering Teaching Lab.
Provided assistance with autoclave-training, general laboratory safety training, obtaining materials and maintaining equipment in the Biomolecular Engineering (BME) Teaching Lab.
Provided us with the necessary training and access to the Perkin-Elmer EnVision instrument for InterLab study measurements at the Chemical Screening Center, University of California, Santa Cruz
Assisted with obtaining necessary reagents and lab materials needed to make the growth media and to conduct experiments.
Wiki support
As a member of the 2016 UCSC iGEM team and as a main contributor to his team's wiki, Austin provided us with initial guidance and advice, emphasizing the importance of getting started on the wiki early on!
Matt, a recent graduate from Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, is highly experienced with computer science and web development. Matt provided expert advice and helpful explanations, especially with respect to better understanding CSS and JavaScript. Matt is not only genuinely appreciated for his help along the way, but is also a beloved friend.
Human Practices support
Corresponded with us about the needs of potential recipients of our project in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Corresponded with us about the needs of potential recipients of our project in Nicaragua.
Corresponded with us about the needs of potential recipients of our project in Peru.
Gave our team the opportunity to present about the Marshall Islands, our project, and policies and ethics surrounding genetic engineering to Juniors and Seniors in his high school AP Environmental class at Leland High School.
Gave our team the opportunity to teach students between grades two through eight about genetics and the basics of genetic engineering.
Funding Support
Provided monetary support for our team.
Aided with managing our finances.
Assisted us with our Giving Day and Crowdfunding fundraising campaigns.
Provided monetary support for our team.
Provided monetary support for our team.
Provided monetary support for our team.
Provided monetary support for our team.
Assisted with expanding our funding opportunities within the Baskin School of Engineering.
Provided monetary support for our team.
Provided monetary support for our team.
Provided monetary support for our team.
General Support
Filmed and edited our team video.
Advised on matters regarding intellectual property and patents.
We would like to thank Dr. Hartzog for his work to help iGEM BME188 coursework satisfy the MCD disciplinary communication requirement.
Embroidered our team jackets as a gift to UCSC iGEM 2017.
Industry Sponsors
Donated Gibson Assembly Kits, OneTaq, and Chemi-Competent DH5a cells.
Provided use of and assistance with High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography.
Provided our team with Geneious licenses.
Provided our team with SnapGene licenses.
Provided our team with lab notebooks.
Provided our team with Zyppy™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 400 preps and DNA Clean & Concentrator™, 200 preps.
Provided our team with team t-shirts.