

In the past 100 years, the rapid development of the traditional chemical industry has greatly promoted the improvement of people’s material living standard. Our basic necessities of life are almost inseparable from the chemical synthesis goods. However, the environmental pollution and energy crises have also forced people to find new solutions. Synthetic biology instructs us that we can introduce new chemical reactions into biological cells, thus producing high quality chemical products in a greener way.

Then what does synthetic biology "synthesize"?

Biosynthesis of synthetic biology lies mainly in the biosynthesis of natural product and synthesis of bulk chemical. The former is represented by artemisinin, lycopene and carotene, etc., and the use of synthetic biology method to synthesize our daily necessities of traditional chemical products or raw materials can serve more people. Today, scientists have been able to use micro-organisms or modified industrial enzymes to synthesize bio-plastics, bio-fuels, chemical raw materials and other chemical products. For example, DuPont has achieved the reality of micro-algae efficiently synthesizing isobutanol; Blupha, a well-known company to China’s iGEM teams, also has also mastered the biosynthetic method to get PHA production. However, most of the existing products are facing the dilemma as for the cost, making them outshined by the traditional chemical products, which in fact limits the industrial promotion of synthetic biology.


This year, we focus mainly on an important synthetic organic chemical raw material——acrylic acid. We hope to build efficient cell factories to achieve "all green" production of acrylic acid.

What is acrylic acid?

Acrylic acid is an important synthetic organic chemical raw material. Acrylic acid and its ester compounds are widely used in adhesives, coatings, synthetic rubber, high absorbent resin and other chemical products.

The existing methods of producing acrylic acid

According to our current research carried out about the acrylic acid synthesis method, we list them as follows:
1.Traditional chemical synthesis
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Propylene firstly reacts with oxygen to produce acrolein, whose deoxidation leads to the production of acrylic acid. The conversion rate is often up to 90%, so this method is applied in most industrial production of acrylic acid
Although this practice has many advantages, but the raw material depends heavily on the traditional fossil energy, bringing about heavy pollution, high energy consumption and a lack of sustainability. Therefore, it is imperative to develop renewable energy alternative to replace fossil energy to produce acrylic acid in a greener way.
2.Acrylic acid semi-biosynthesis
Acrylic acid semi-biosynthesis refers to the method of using micro-organisms to turn acrylonitrile, acrylamide and other petrochemical raw materials into acrylic acid.
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
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Acrylic acid semi-biological method, although possesses the high yield, its raw materials acrylonitrile and acrylamide cost even more than acrylic acid, which limits the industrialization of this method.
3.Acrylic acid complete biosynthesis
Acrylic acid complete biosynthesis method refers to the direct use of saccharides and other biomass fermentation to produce acrylic acid.
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Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.

Some shortcomings of the existing acrylic acid biosynthesis method include complexity of the synthetic pathway , obscuration of the synthesis mechanism and low efficiency of the synthesis. How to build a short and efficient acrylic acid biosynthetic pathway to achieve a highly efficient acrylic biosynthetic factory is the very key to success! And this is also the entry point of our project this year.

Why we choose Glycerol as cabon source?

Glycerol is a simple polyol compound, which presents as viscous liquid at the room temperature. It is colorless, tasteless and non-toxic. Glycerol is a by-product of the biodiesel manufacturing industry, which once was a relatively scarce chemical raw material. With the rapid development of bio-diesel manufacturing industry in recent years, the substantial increase of glycerol production has led to the significantly lower price. Therefore, the use of glycerol as a raw material for microbial cell factory to produce bulk chemicals has the advantage of being cheap and green, while it also allays the pressure of dealing with the by-products waste in the production of biodiesel. In addition, compared with glucose, xylose and other carbohydrate substrates, glycerol metabolism can produce higher reducing power, making it the ideal carbon source for the fermentation synthesis in cell factory.