
The LIT Team

Hongchang Fu (Ricardo)

Favourite iGEM activity: gathering laboratory data

Hates: Making LB agar


Cecile Geier

Favourite iGEM activity: making sure we stay on top of everything

Hates: having to take notes during meetings

"Can you make it glow?"

Hristina Dimitrova

Favourite iGEM activity: primers design, the alcohol, thinking about coffee when she shouldn’t be

Hates: running out of reagents

"man I’m so stressed"

Paola Handal

Favourite iGEM activity: how do you decide on one only

Hates: When Florin tries to speak Spanish

"I'll do it"

Stefania Trepekli

Favourite iGEM activity: troubleshooting modelling

Hates: being told popcorn is not a meal


Florin Gheorghiu

Favourite iGEM activity: coding in a corner

Hates: being called a 'social scientist'

"Thought experiment!"

Anima Sutradhar

Favourite iGEM activity: spending days in the lab with a big smile on her face

Hates: when she’s told heavy metal is not the nicest thing to listen to in the lab

nobody really knows

Camillo Moschner

Favourite iGEM activity: explaining complex cellular activities with extensive diagrams

Hates: everything and everyone when stuff is not going right


Marisa Cvitanic

Favourite iGEM activity: spending quality time with CHOs

Hates: igem traumas
