3A Assembly
1. Digestion
A 25 µL master mix was prepared for both of the inserts. The backbone plasmid was already precut, but to cut backbone plasmids EcoRI-HF and PstI would be used (the same volume).
Enzyme Master Mix for the first insert:
NEB Buffer 2 | 5 µL |
EcoRI-HF | 0.5 µL |
SpeI | 0.5 µL |
Milliq | 19 µL |
4 µL of the master mix was then mixed with 4 µL of the enzyme.
Enzyme Master Mix for the second insert:
NEB Buffer 2 | 5 µL |
XBaI | 0.5 µL |
PstI | 0.5 µL |
Milliq | 19 µL |
4 µL of the master mix was then mixed with 4 µL of the enzyme.
Both digestion mixtures were digested at 37 °C for 30 minutes. The mixtures were then left at 80 °C for 20 minutes to heat kill the enzymes. These steps were performed in a PCR machine.
2. Ligation
In this step it is important to have equimolar amount of cut plasmid backbone and digest product. In our case the length of everything was very similar, therefore the same volumes could be used, however that can always be done. The total reaction volume is 10 µL
Ligation Mixture:
Plasmid backbone | 2 µL |
Enzyme insert cut at E and S | 2 µL |
Enzyme insert cut at X and P | 2 µL |
T4 DNA Ligase Buffer | 1 µL |
T4 DNA Ligase | 0.5 µL |
MilliQ | 2.5 µL |
The mixture was then ligated at 16 °C for 30 minutes.
Another heat kill around at 80 °C for 20 minutes was then performed.
For the transformation step see the Phusion PCR, Gibson Assembly and Transformation protocol.
Phusion PCR, Gibson assembly and Transformation
1. Phusion PCR
Total reaction volume 50 µL
Amount of plasmid per reaction ~30 pg
Phusion PCR reaction mixture:
Plasmid | …. µL (~30 pg) |
5X Phusion HF Buffer | 10 µL |
dNTP (10 mM) | <1 µL/td> |
Reverse Primer (10 µM) | 2.5 µL |
Forward Primer (10 µM) | 2.5 µL |
Phusion DNA pol | 0.5 µL |
DMSO | 1.5 µL |
H2O | up to 50 µL |
Total volume | 50 µL |
PCR reaction conditions:
1) Initial denaturation: | 98 °C for 30 seconds |
2) Denaturation in following cycles: | 98 °C for 10 seconds |
3) Primer annealing: | Temperature gradient between 58–65 °C for 30 seconds |
4) Extension: | 72 °C 1.5 minutes |
5) Final DNA synthesis: | 72 °C for 5 minutes |
Steps 2–4: 25 cycles
Lid temperature at 105 °C
2. DpnI Treatment of the PCR Fragment
To the 50 µL PCR reaction mix from step 1 add:
2.4 µL “FastDigest” DpnI
6 µL 10X “FastDigest” Buffer
1) Incubate reaction mixture at 37 °C for 1 hour
2) Purify the DNA in the mixture with “PureLink Quick PCR Purification Kit” (Invitrogen). Milliq was used instead of TE buffer when eluting the DNA from the spin column in the final step of the DNA purification. The optional washing step was skipped
3) Measure the DNA concentration on Nanodrop in units of ng/µL. 2 µL was used for each measurement
4) Store the DNA at -20 °C until further use
3. Gibson Assembly Reaction
1. Mix PCR fragment from the plasmid and the Gibson fragment containing the insert. The total volume is 20 µL:
Mix i) the PCR fragment made from the plasmid and ii) the Gibson fragment containing the gene of interest. Total volume of the Gibson reaction mix is 20 uL :
Plasmid PCR fragment | .… µL (~0.02 pmol) |
Gibson fragment | .… µL (~0.06 pmol) |
Gibson Assembly Master Mix (2x) | 10 µL |
H2O | up to 20 µL |
Total volume | 20 µL |
2. Incubate the mixture at 50 °C for 1 hour
4. Transformation
1. Take out competent cells (we used Escherichia Coli TOP10 for cloning and E. coli BL21 (DE3*) for protein expression from Invitrogen) from the -80 °C and thaw them on ice from approximately 15 minutes.
2. Add 2 µL of the Gibson mixture/Ligation mixture to the competent cells or ~7.5 ng of gBlocks.
3. Incubate on ice for 30 minutes.
4. Incubate at 42 °C for 30 seconds (water bath).
5. Incubate on ice for 5 minutes.
6. Add 200 µL of LB to the mixture and incubate it at 37 °C with 200 rpm for 1 hour.
7. Plate the mixtures on chloramphenicol plates (200 µL 1:1 dilution and 200 µL 1:100 diluted with LB). Beads were used to spread the mixture on the plates (10–20 beads).
8. Incubate plates overnight at 37 °C.
1. Grow overnight culture in 5 mL LB media.
2. Wash with 1 mL 10% glycerol 5 times in cold room.
3. Resuspend in 250µL 10% glycerol. This is enough for 10 electroporation transformations.
4. Put 1 µL plasmid (~10 ng/µL) in 25 µL cells. Transfer to a cold electroporation cuvette.
5. Electroporate with a 1.8 kV pulse. Immediately add 300 µL SOC media. Incubate in 37°C with 180 rpm shaking for 1h. Plate on appropriate antibiotic agar plate.
Colony PCR and Gel Electrophoresis
1. Colony PCR
Total reaction volume 20 µL.
DreamTaq PCR Reaction Mixture:
10X Green DreamTaq Buffer | 2 µL |
dNTP Mix, 10 mM | 0.4 µL |
Forward Primer | 0.1–1.0 µM (~0.5 µL) |
Reverse Primer | 0.1–1.0 µM (~0.5 µL) |
Template DNA | 10 pg – 1 µg |
DreamTaq DNA Polymerase | 0.1 µL |
Milliq | up to 20 µL |
A master mix containing everything put the DNA polymerase was made. Enzyme was then added to each PCR tube.
PCR reaction conditions:
1) Initial denaturation: | 95 °C for 3 minutes |
2) Denaturation in following cycles : | 95 °C for 30 seconds |
3) Primer annealing: | 56 °C for 40 seconds |
4) Extension: | 72 °C 1 minute |
5) Final DNA synthesis: | 72 °C for 5 minutes |
Steps 2–4: 32 cycles
Lid temperature at 105 °C
2. Gel electrophoresis
Preparation of agarose for gel electrophoresis:
1. Mix 0.5 % TEB with agarose so that the amount of agarose is 0.8 %
2. Microwave the mixture until it starts boiling. DO NOT PUT THE LID ON!
3. Store at 65 °C until further use
Preparation of gels
1. Take 50 mL of agarose per gel into a separate bottle
2. Add 5 µL of SyberSafe per gel into the agarose
3. Pour the agarose into the cassette, put the comb in and let it polymerize for ~30 minutes
4. Put the gel into the electrode chamber and fill it up with 0.5 % TEB buffer
5. Load 12 µL of PCR product into the wells and add 5 µL of 1 kb Generuler
6. Run the gel at 100 V for 30–60 minutes