As discussed in the Project Description some of Erwinia amylovora´s virulence factors depend on the quorum sensing (QS) phenomenon and, in this specific case, the type of AHL used by this phytopathogen is the 3-oxo-C6-HSL. For simplicity they will continue to be named as AHLs along the whole model. Despite of the fact that E. amylovora is not a very studied bacteria and therefore its QS either, we were able to simulate its behavior comparing it to the Vibrio fischeri´s one. The main reason is because of its similarities in the gene regulation. V. fischeri works with the LuxR/LuxI regulation while E. amylovora was found to work under a similar system with a highly homologous regulation, EamR/EamI.
Based on the law of mass action that states that the rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the product of the concentrations of the reactants, the whole modified ecosystem is represented in the next chemical reaction network
The EamI is a regulated gene and more precisely and auto activator one. Its activator is formed by a dimer of a complex made by a LuxR protein bonded to an AHL molecule, thus two molecules of each are needed. The EamI protein itself is an AHL synthase, that is why it is called an auto activator, but how is it involved in QS virulence regulation?
The EamI is a regulated gene and more precisely and auto activator one. Its activator is formed by a dimer of a complex made by a LuxR protein bonded to an AHL molecule, thus two molecules of each are needed. The EamI protein itself is an AHL synthase, that is why it is called an auto activator, but how is it involved in QS virulence regulation?