

「 HP Silver」

Interaction with high school studentsnd!

Working with high school student may give them a chance to become an iGEMer, or even help them form a high school team. We convened high school students who were interested in biology.Then we explained to them about synthetic biology and iGEM. And bring them into the lab to teach them to carry out basic experiments.


Effort on the publicity of iGEM and synthetic biology

In the preliminary stage of our project, we found that the public knew too little about synthesis biology. We hope to grasp every opportunity to introduce the concept of synthesis biology to well-educated people. Therefore, we signed up a scientific research innovation contest held by Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

During the contest, we introduced the idea of our project, knowledge about synthesis technology and iGEM competition by presentation and posters. Our project was widely appreciated by judges and other competitors and won the gold Prize.

We also spread the idea of iGEM and synthesis biology to students and teachers who were interested in scientific research. Most of them hadn’t heard about synthesis biology before. During the contest, we got the opportunity to introduce the basic ideas of synthesis biology to teachers and students, especially the concept of future biology engineering. This is our first step in the promotion of synthesis biology. We hope that in the future more and more people will be attracted by it and make further development to this promising discipline.

demo1 demo1

All in all, we were having a busy summer. In the future, we aim at expanding the collaboration region and diversifying the cooperation content, such as helping high school teams with their project.
