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iGEM Tokyo Tech

Human Practices: Overview


This year, we tried to jump into as many chances as possible to learn more about role and value of synthetic biology and the future of this academic field. In this new information society, we can easily obtain knowledge on the Internet and many iGEMers may think the learning happens only in the labs or on the computers. That's sometimes true, but it's not always true that a bunch of information automatically comes to our pocket, which means we sometimes have to break free from the obsession with the project work.

We can proudly say our integrated human practices helped us make progress in our project design. By integrating our human practices with the results from our wet lab experiments and modeling, iGEM2017 Team TokyoTech have executed our project with improved design in accordance with comments from general public, and have strengthened the public engagement of a two-way dialogue between our team and the public through this summer.

Basic Human Practices

1) Organizing a symposium about synthetic biology for the pubilc

On Oct 1st, we held an open symposium for middle school and high school students. We planned and managed the event and as guests, we invited three experts from microbiology (Prof. Oshima), synthetic biology (Prof. Kiga) and bioethics (Dr. Nudeshima).

2) Giving lectures about biosafety at local high schools

On September 2nd, we visited two high schools in Saitama Prefecture. We gave lectures and organized groupwork activities at both schools.

3) Attending Summer School (Theme: Social Epidemiology)

On September 9th and 10th, some team members attended 5th Summer School of Japan Society of Research and Information on Public and Co-operative Economy. (The venue was Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.)

Integrated Human Practices

Fig. 1 Roadmap of integrated human practices

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