Our attribution revolves around four pillars. The first pillar goes to our PIs who have followed us during the whole adventure: Professor Patrice Soumillion. First PI: support, overview and laboratory workspace. Professor Charles Hachez. Accompanying PI: support, overview. Professor Bernard Hallet. Support, overview. Professor Pascal Hols and his team. Especially Marie-Clémence Duchène for the ComR/S system.
The second pillar consists of all the doctoral students and lab technicians who helped, supported and advised us:
Brigitte Delplace : lab technician, lab help and overview.
Florence Vandecappelle: Ph. D. student, support, overview, in-lab help.
Sebastian Worms: Ph.D. student, support, overview, in-lab help.
Damien Evrard : lab technician, lab help and overview.
Jonathan Ferooz: “Do It Yourself Belgium” founder, advice.
Loïc Germain: 3D printing advice and final printer.
The third pillar is the outside people who came to strengthen our project and our ideas:
Dirk Vanden Elshen : video realization.
Doctor Philippe Gabant: synthetic biology reflection process.