The Michigan State iGEM team was responsible for nearly all of the project including wet lab work, dry lab work, project concept, acquiring supplies, and managing the team. Assistance from advisors and others is immensely appreciated and is recognized below.
Thanks and Attribution To:
Dr. John Urbance Allowed the team to use his research grade microscope.
Erik Helped the team star the year.
Scott BankroffMade the glass bioreactors that are standard in Dr. TerAvests lab
Magda Felzak Helped the team run protein expression gels.
Dr. Daniel Jones Helped the team use his Gas Chromatography machine.
Nick Teft Shared procedures and gave the team tips on wet lab work.
Donna Liebelt Helped get the team started and inform team members.
Jeff Plegaria Offered ideas on why induction was not being observed and allowed team to use lab for protein expression gels.
Bryan Ferlez Also offered ideas on why induction was not being observed and allowed team to use lab for protein expression gels.
Thank you to our PI’s: Bryan Ferlez and Jeff Plegaria from Cheryl Kerfeld’s lab, as well as the Dr. Robert Landick.
The team would also like to thank the generous donations from CNS, BMB,PRL, CANR, New England BioLabs, Cayman Chemical and Alphi Chi Sigma.