For being our primary faculty mentor and assisting us through every step of this project. It was through your determination and vision that this iGEM project became a reality. From the mounds of paperwork and numerous team meetings to research guidance and project development, thank you for everything you have done!
For always being there for us and always knowing how to help. Your experience with iGEM and constant stream of innovative ideas have been instrumental in the completion of this project. Thank you for running the team meetings, keeping tabs on all team members, and always being willing to help with all facets of this project.
For always being open to helping out and giving advice. Your mentorship has provided us with irreplaceable experiences and skills
For providing the majority of funding for our entire project. They gave us the funding to be able to attend the iGEM conference in Boston and the necessary means and materials to be able to run our experiments.
For providing funding assistance with research supplies through the Fulton Undergraduate Research Institute (FURI).
For providing the lab space that was utilized in the conduction of various experiments.
For providing access to HPLC and MS devices for characterization of N-acyl homoserine lactones
For connecting iGEM members with research opportunities at Arizona State University
For reviewing our project and providing insightful and helpful suggestions.
For generously offering 20kb of gBlocks gene fragments for cloning and providing feedback about the safety of AHL cloning genes.