Team:Edinburgh UG/TestPage

When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.\leftrightarrow$$

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List of chemical species:
Symbol Description
$O_{T7}$ T7 polymerase gene, controlled by LacO operon
Constant Value Unit Description
$$k_{sMR}$$ $$24.67^{*}$$ $$nM min^{-1}$$ Transcription rate of LacI-mRNA, constitutive promoter
$$\lambda_{MR}$$ $$0.462$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Degradation rate of LacI-mRNA
$$k_{sR}$$ $$15$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Translation rate of LacI protein
$$\lambda_{R}$$ $$0.2$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Degradation rate of LacI protein
$$k_{2R}$$ $$50$$ $$nM^{-1} min^{-1}$$ Dimerization rate of LacI monomer
$$k_{-2R}$$ $$10^{-3}$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Dissociation rate of LacI dimer
$$k_{rT7}$$ $$960$$ $$nM^{-1} min^{-1}$$ Binding constant, LacI dimer and T7 LacO
$$k_{-rT7}$$ $$2.4$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Unbinding constant, LacI dimer and T7 LacO
$$\lambda_{R2}$$ $$0.2$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Degradation rate of LacI dimer
$$k_{dr1}$$ $$3\times10^{-7}$$ $$nM^{-2}min^{-1}$$ Rate constant of forming IPTG-LacI dimer
$$k_{-dr1}$$ $$12$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Rate constant of dissociating IPTG-LacI dimer
$$k_{dr2}$$ $$3\times10^{-7}$$ $$nM^{-2}min^{-1}$$ Rate constant, IPTG displacing LacI dimer from the T7 LacO
$$k_{-dr2}$$ $$4.8\times10^3$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Rate constant, IPTG-LacI binding to empty T7 LacO, releasing two IPTG molecules
$$k_{rCre}$$ $$960$$ $$nM^{-1}min^{-1}$$ Binding constant, LacI dimer and Cre LacO
$$k_{-rCre}$$ $$2.4$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Unbinding constant, LacI dimer and Cre LacO
$$k_{dr3}$$ $$3\times10^{-7}$$ $$nM^{-2}min^{-1}$$ Rate constant, IPTG displacing LacI dimer from the Cre LacO
$$k_{-dr3}$$ $$4.8\times10^3$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Rate constant, IPTG-LacI binding to empty Cre LacO, releasing two IPTG molecules
$$\lambda_{I2R2}$$ $$0.2$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Degradation rate of $IPTG_2-LacI_2$
$$k_{s0MT7}$$ $$0.01$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Leaky transcription rate of T7 mRNA (LacI bound)
$$k_{s1MT7}$$ $$0.5$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Transcription rate of T7 mRNA (empty LacO)
$$\lambda_{MT}$$ $$0.462$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Degradation rate of T7 mRNA
$$k_{sT7}$$ $$30$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Translation rate of T7 protein
$$\lambda_{T7}$$ $$0.2$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Degradation rate of T7 protein
$$k_{s0MCre}$$ $$0.01$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Leaky transcription rate of Cre mRNA (LacI bound)
$$k_{s1MCre}$$ $$0.5$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Transcription rate of Cre mRNA (empty LacO)
$$\lambda_{MCre}$$ $$0.462$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Degradation rate of Cre mRNA
$$k_{sCre}$$ $$30$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Translation rate of Cre protein
$$\lambda_{Cre}$$ $$0.2$$ $$min^{-1}$$ Degradation rate of Cre protein
[[File:ETHZ_LuxParameterFitting.png|center|500 px|thumb|'''Figure 1''' Lux QS Module fitted to experimental data from riboregulated Lux system.]] \[a \mathrel{\mathop{\rightleftarrows}^{\mathrm{over}}_{\mathrm{under}}} b\]