Collaboration is a powerful driver of progress in science. To stand on the shoulders of giants is increasingly unrealistic in a globalised world where scientists work in ever more specialised areas and without geographic or language barriers.
For science to continue to benefit from globalisation, we must advance the axiom and seek to build a human pyramid from the shoulders before and around us. Collaboration and open source data are at the heart of iGEM and so too the heart of Incell.
Below we describe our most significant collaborations within the iGEM community. The symbiosis we strive for in our project has shone brightly through the partnerships established with teams around the world. Our story — and the stories of our friends — have been mutually shaped by the diversity of our shared experiences, knowledge and perspectives.
DTU Biobuilders’ BioBrick Weekend (February, 2017)
- DTU-Denmark (Denmark)
- SDU-Denmark (Denmark)
- NTNU Trondheim (Norway)
- Chalmers-Gothenburg (Sweden)
An inspiring and practical three-day introduction to iGEM hosted by our friends and closest neighbours. Workshops covered the structure of the competition, hands-on laboratory experience in BioBrick assembly and debate of the ethical considerations surrounding synthetic biology.