As mentioned previously, our goal was to actively engage the scientific community and the general public to assure that our project is safe, responsible and good for the world. This was among other things made possible through public presentations and active dialogues at events & conferences. A big applause to everyone that made these events possible! You can find a more detailed overview over all the events or conferences that we have organised and participated in below:
DTU Biobuilders’ BioBrick Weekend (February, 2017)
- DTU-Denmark (Denmark)
- SDU-Denmark (Denmark)
- NTNU Trondheim (Norway)
- Chalmers-Gothenburg (Sweden)
An inspiring and practical three-day introduction to iGEM hosted by our friends and closest neighbours. Workshops covered the structure of the competition, hands-on laboratory experience in BioBrick assembly and debate of the ethical considerations surrounding synthetic biology.
Nordic iGEM Conference (June, 2017)
- DTU-Denmark (Denmark)
- SDU-Denmark (Denmark)
- Stockholm (Sweden)
- Lund (Sweden)
- Uppsala University (Sweden)
- Chalmers-Gothenburg (Sweden)
- Aalto-Helsinki (Finland)
In the tradition of the previous year’s winners hosting the following year’s conference, we had the pleasure to host teams from the Nordic region in Copenhagen. Teams had the opportunity to present their projects and receive questions and feedback from peers and judges. It was beneficial and a huge confidence boost for teams to be able to play with presentation strategy and get a feel for which parts of project stories gained traction and areas in need of development. All in a safe space in front of an audience of equals.
Incell podcast series (August–November, 2017)
- Toronto (Canada)
We have been and continue to be, very motivated in taking Incell beyond the lab. The Incell podcast series has enabled us to draw upon diverse scientific, non-scientific, cultural and environmental perspectives from around the world. Incell is an abstract, foundational science project and we felt it important for development to be in the spirit of the humanity we hope to serve. Collaborating with other teams from Canada and India enhanced our content, multiplied our audience and maximised the public outreach and human value of our work.
SDU Wiki writing workshop (August, 2017)
- DTU-Denmark (Denmark)
- SDU-Denmark (Denmark)
A brilliant day of workshops offering advice and inspiration for producing an effective and beautiful wiki. SDU are established leaders in producing exceptional iGEM wikis and their counsel proved indispensable when designing and creating our own. We added further value to the event — producing and sharing a video blog of the experience and take home messages with our social media network.