

We modelled the small single cell bioreactors on drawing programs before building many of them. We made sure that they were cost effective and are reasonable to build. A per unit cost is presented in full detail in the drop down list below where the final total cost is $7.43. This does not include a way to measure the current, which would be about another $30.00 depending on which arduino board (1,2,3) you purchase and how you set it up. This would bring the total cost up to $37.43, which is well within reason for a system that can be reused and will detect harmful contaminants in water. The cost of a drinking water test can range from $50-270. While these tests can detect more contaminants than our system currently can it would only take more genetically engineered Shewanella in order to match the range of tests at a significantly more affordable price.

Single-Chamber Bioreactors

      200 mL mason jar Find Part
    • $0.01-$0.04/jar (Bulk discount; MIN = 10,000 units)
    • Per unit: $0.04
      Glass reference electrode housing Find Part
    • Cost: $2.65/8 tubes
    • Per unit: $0.33
      Magnesia sticks (needed to complete housing) Find Part
    • Cost: $43.70
    • Makes 500 housings
    • Per unit: $0.09
      Potassium Chloride Find Part
    • $219.34/2.5 kg
    • 1.3 g/housing
    • Per unit: $0.01
      Titanium wire Find Part
    • 15cm/wire
    • Per unit: $0.81
      Carbon felt Find Part
    • $52.18 per sheet
    • 30 x 30 cm (6.35mm thick)
    • 25 x 25 mm/unit
    • 144 electrodes per sheet
    • Per unit: $0.36
      Sterile 18G needles Find Part
    • $0.05 ea.
    • x 2 per unit
    • Per unit: $0.10
      Rubber stopper Find Part
    • trade size #12 (2 1/2", tapered to 2 1/8")
    • Per unit: $2.31
      Rubber stopper Find Part
    • trade size C (3/8" tapered to 7/32")
    • Per unit: $0.71
      Octogonal magnetic stir bars with pivot ring Find Part
    • Per stir bar: $3.96
    • Bulk unit via MSU chemistry store
    • Per unit: $1.60
      Leit-C for microscopy (carbon cement for electrodes) Find Part
    • $48.20
    • Makes 75 eletrodes
    • Per unit: $0.64
      18G Hypodermic sampling needle (4") Find Part
    • Cost: $39.26
    • Package has 100 needles
    • Per unit: $0.39


(1) Aristizabal, D. H.; Giraldo, D. A.; Sanchez, S.; Taborda, G.; Baeza, A. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2017, 365, 11001.
(2) Jannelli, N.; Anna Nastro, R.; Cigolotti, V.; Minutillo, M.; Falcucci, G. Appl. Energy 2017, 192, 543–550.
(3) Yang, Y.; Ren, H.; Ben-Tzvi, P.; Yang, X.; He, Z. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2017, 42 (31), 20260–20268.

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