Short Summary
Insights from Trinity Assembly
RNA extraction
Library Preparation
Table 1: Sequenced tissue-specfic libraries
Tissue | Number of sequenced fragments | Library ID | |
Young leaves | 24,704,122 | strRNA_MHA1 | |
Stem | 20,032,1422 | strRNA_MHA2 | |
Inflorescence | 22,804,752 | strRNA_MHA3 | |
Seed | 43,447,889 | strRNA_MHA4 | |
Root | 28,007,089 | strRNA_MHA5 |
Data Processing
Transcriptome assembly
Expression quantification
Identification of Candidate Genes
Firstly, there is the guanosine monophosphate synthase (GMPS), an enzyme from the class of ligases that form carbon-nitrogen-bonds with glutamine as an amido-N-donor acceptors (see KEGG for more information). It is also known as ‘Guanosine monophosphate synthetase’. GMPS is needed for the amination of XMP (xanthosine monophosphate) to create GMP and possibly iso-GMP in the case of C. tiglium. Besides, GMPS can be found in many organisms apart from Croton tiglium, including Homo sapiens and E. coli. The transcriptome assembly contained two sequences that displayed a strong similarity to known GPMS encoding sequences. These sequences encode peptides of 314 amino acids and molecular mass of approximately 59.46 kDa. GMPS is a promising candidate, since it may not only be able to catalyze the reaction of XMP to GMP but also to iso-GMP.
Another interesting enzyme from the purine metabolism is the Inosine monophosphate-dehydrogenase (IMPDH) that matched three sequences in the transcriptome assembly. IMPDH is an enzyme from the class of the oxydoreductases, which are acting on CH-OH groups of donors with NAD+ or NADP+ as acceptors (see KEGG). The different forms of IMPDH encoded by sequences in the transcriptome assembly have a molecular mass of 53-58 kDa and amino acid lengths between 500 to 550. In the purine metabolism, IMPDH is the catalyst of the synthesis of XMP out of inosine monophosphate (IMP). Therefore, it could enable the biosynthesis of an isoform of XMP that might then even be a substrate for the production of iso-GMP.
Furthermore, the cytidine deaminase (CDA) seemed to be of immense potential. The CDA, which belongs to the class of hydrolases acting on carbon-nitrogen bonds different from peptide bonds (see KEGG) is usually applied to deaminate cytidine to uridine. However, there is also the possibility of the reverse reaction catalyzed by CDA. A reaction from xanthosine to iso-GMP might be possible. The best matching sequence for CDA in the transcriptome assembly encodes 535 amino acids . The putative gene product has a molecular mass of 33.95 kDa.
Aside from these enzymes, the adenylosuccinate synthetase (ADSS) could be an interesting candidate. The ADSS belongs to the class of ligases, which are forming carbon-nitrogen bonds (see KEGG). Only one matching sequence was identified in the transcriptome assembly. The encoded gene product has a molecular weight of 53.32 kDa and a size of 489 amino acids. In C. tiglium, it is expected to catalyze the reaction of IMP to adenylosuccinate that will then be further processed into AMP.
Finally, we identified the enzyme xanthine dehydrogenase(XDH) as promising candidate. The XDH converts xanthine into urate that will be further processed afterwards. XDH is an enzyme from the class of oxidoreductases that is acting on CH or CH2 groups with NAD+ or NADH+ as an acceptor (see KEGG), and could even be matched with six sequences of the trinity assembly. The encoded gene products are expected to have a molecular mass of 64.12 kDa and a size of 587 amino acids.
Extraction of Enzyme DNA out of the cDNA Library
Protein purification
Estimation of the Protein Concentration
Table 2: Concentrations of the proteins, estimated with Roti® Nanoquant. Replicants were created of the most important enzymes.
Protein name | Concentration in mg/mL | |
GMPS iso-form 1 | 4.1775 2.1507 1.4610 |
GMPS iso-form 2 | 1.3497 | |
IMPDH form 1 | 4.4007 | |
IMPDH form 2 | 4.1763 | |
ADSS | 4.2616 | |
XDH | 4.1302 1.9349 |
CDA | 5,3092 1,8054 1,3881 |
Investigation of enzyme activity
First, we set up an enzyme activity assay for CDA with cytidine to ensure its activity following the protocol by Robert M. Cohen and Richard Wolfenden from 1971 that stated that the disappearance of cytidine can be measured in relation to the decrease of absorption at 282 nm. Therefore, we set up the following reaction mixture containing 50 mM TRIS-HCl buffer (pH 7.5) and 0.167 mM cytidine as a substrate.We used six replicates with 196 µL of the mixture and measured it for about 20 min (measurement all 30 sec) with the Tecan infinite® 200. We then paused the measurement program to add 4 µL (6 µg) of the previously extracted CDA or 4 µL of water to three samples each. Then, we immediately continued the measurement for about an hour.
As it can be seen in Figure 2, the absorption of cytidine at 282 nm began to continuously decrease after the addition of the cytidine deaminase, whereas the absorption remained more or less constant when only water was added. With these results, the activity of our extracted cytidine deaminase could be proven.
Figure (2): Enzyme activity assay for the reaction of the cytidine deaminase with cytidine.The reaction took place at room temperatue. Three biological replicates were used each. After the addition of water, the absorbance at 282 nm stayed the same whereas it decreased after the addition of the CDA.
- without xanthosine, without CDA
- with xanthosine, without CDA
- without xanthosine , with CDA
- with xanthosine, with CDA
- 1+3: difference between a reaction mixture with and without CDA
- 1+2: difference between a reaction mixture with and without xanthosine
- 2+4: difference between no reaction and a possible reaction
Figure (1): Results of the analysis of the absorbance of xanthosine at different nanometers.
AAll measurements made with the Tecan infinite® 200 at room temperature. The difference between a mixture with and without xanthosine (red) can clearly be made up at about 282 nm.
Figure (3): Enzyme activity assay for the reaction of the cytidine deaminase with xanthosine as a substrate.The reaction was set up at room temperatue, using three biological replicates each. After adding CDA to the reaction mixture, a slight decrease in the absorbance at 282 nm was visible. However, as there is also a very small decrease for the addition of water, no significant statement can be made.
Figure (4): HPLC-MicroTofQ measurement for the products of the reaction of CDA with xanthosine. Reaction conditions as described earlier. Even if many different masses could be found, none of these could be matched to guanosine or iso-guanosine. For these, a peak should be at about 282 g/mol..
We set up the reaction mixture of the two iso- forms of the GMPS following a protocol for the enzyme activity assay by Abbott, J., Newell, J., Lightcap, C. et a.l. We also regarded the original paper from 1985 that stated the absorbance at 290 nm for the given amount of XMP within the mixture. For that, we set up the following reaction mixture:- 60 mM HEPES
- 5mM ATP
- 0.2mM XMP
- 20mM MgCL2
- 200mM NH4CL
- 0.1mM DTT
- 0.8mM EDTA
- Filled up with ddH2O
Figure (5): Enzyme activity assay of iso-form 2 of the guanosine monophosphate synthetases.The reaction was set up at room temperature using three biological replicates. A significant decrease in the absorption at 290 nm can be made up after the addition of the synthetized GMPS whereas the negative control with water stays at the same absorption.
Figure (6):Enzyme activity assay of iso-form1 of the guanosine monophosphate synthetases. . Three biological replicates were used. The reaction was set up at room temperature. A significant decrease in the absorption at 290 nm can be made up after the addition of the GMPS whereas the negative control with water stays at the same absorption.
Figure (7): HPLC-MicroTofQ measurement for the substances within the reaction mixture of the fully extracted GMPS. Reaction conditions as described earlier. Next to the substrates, ATP and XMP, also resulting substances like AMP and GMP can be found.
Figure (8): HPLC-MicroTofQ measurement for the substances within the reaction mxture of the GMPS with the synthetized sequence. Reaction conditions as described earlier. Next to the substrates, ATP and XMP, also resulting substances like AMP and GMP can be found.
Figure (9): HPLC-MicroTofQ measurement comparing the GMP standard and the reaction products’ flow-through. In red the product of the gene synthesis. In blue, the one found for iso-form 1 of GMPS, in green the standard. Even though the standard as well as the mixtures contained compounds that have the same molecular mass, they show different behaviors on the HPLC. The ordinary GMP was significantly faster than the one generated in the enzyme reactions. Thus, the form of GMP that results from the reactions is likely to be iso-GMP.
- “Cytidine Deaminase from E.coli – Purificarion Properties and Inhibiton by the potential transition state analog 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrouridine” by Robert M. Cohen and Richard Wolfenden, published in “The Journal of Biological Chemistry” on December 25, 1971
- “The Effects of Removing the GAT Domain from E.coli GMP Synthetase“ (Abbott, J., Newell, J., Lightcap, C. et al. Protein J (2006) 25: 483.
- “GMP Synthetase " by Howard Zalkin,