Team:TP-CC San Diego/Team

Team iGem Team Page



Alina Ho

Poster Team

Why did you join iGem?
I joined iGEM as a way to explore synthetic biology, and develop my interests.

What is your iGEM confession?
I spend most of my time thinking of colors or colorful puns that are ex-cell-ent.

What do you do in your free time?
Wish I had more time.

Annam Tran

Lab Team, Website Team

Why did you join iGem?
To explore the many different branches of biology.

What is your iGEM confession?
Half of the time I'm looking at memes and food on my phone during meetings.

What do you do in your free time?
Cooking and Reading about History.

Clare Gao

Team Captain

Why did you join iGem?
iGEM gave us the freedom to research and pursue any project idea.

What is your iGEM confession?
I like to think that I always know what I'm doing.

What do you do in your free time?
I would say I am a very active person, but we all know that's not true. I'm probably sleeping or reading.

Elliot Kim

Poster Team

Why did you join iGem?
iGEM is a great opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary environment.

What is your iGEM confession?
All the color schemes made me dizzy.

What do you do in your free time?
I like looking at the non-existent stars in San Diego.

Jacey Yang

Poster Team

Why did you join iGem?
I joined iGEM because it gave me the opportunity to gain greater knowledge and understanding about the synthetic biology field.

What is your iGEM confession?
I'm really indecisive and I always spend way too long choosing between things.

What do you do in your free time?
In my free time, I like to play violin, listen to music, and eat.

Jodie Hoh

Vice Captain

Why did you join iGem?
As an ignorant freshman, I wanted to learn more about the different subjects around me. Thus, at club day, I decided to yolo it and join random clubs on club day.

What is your iGEM confession?
"I've spent more hours thinking of color schemes than actually coding the website."

What do you do in your free time?
iGem is what takes up my free time (along with the occasional game of League of Legends).

Joshua Chung

Lab Team

Why did you join iGem?
I got recruited from the previous captain, Anthony Kang

What is your iGEM confession?
I like iGem.

What do you do in your free time?
I sleep.

Julia Situ

Poster Team, Lab Team

Why did you join iGem?
I joined iGEM because I thought it would be a really interesting, fun, and great experience to work on a synthetic biology project with other people, especially since biology is one of my favorite subjects.

What is your iGEM confession?
I sometimes use my dog as a pillow.

What do you do in your free time?
I like to play tennis, bake, read, play with my dog, hang out with friends, and watch TV series (and much more) in my free time.

Karishma Shah

Co-Leader of Human Practices

Why did you join iGem?
From a young age, I have had an interest in science fields. As I began to learn more about the area of biotechnology in high school, I became fascinated by the thought of integrating new technology with biology. To further pursue this interest, I joined iGEM. Since then, I've been able to expand my knowledge in this subject and get hands on experience.

What is your iGEM confession?
My iGEM confession is that when I first joined the team, I didn't know what bacterial transformation was.

What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I enjoy reading, cooking, and spending time with my friends and family.

Kishan Shah

Lab Team

Why did you join iGem?
I am interested in synthetic biology and genetics.

What is your iGEM confession?
Synthetic biology is much more complex than I had imagined.

What do you do in your free time?
Play Tennis, play the piano, and spend time with family and friends.

Minha Kim

Vice Captain

Why did you join iGem?
I joined iGEM to expand my own knowledge of synthetic biology, contribute to a complex project that integrates the diverse skills of members within the team, interact with fellow students who share my love for biology, and learn from other teams' projects at Giant Jamboree.

What is your iGEM confession?
I have nothing to confess. I'm perfect.

What do you do in your free time?
In my free time, I practice cello, watch television, read existentialist literature, spend time with family, and sleep.

Nicolas Laqua

Lab Team

Why did you join iGem?
Because I love science.

What is your iGEM confession?
I work too hard sometimes.

What do you do in your free time?

Rachel Lian

Co-Leader of Human Practices

Why did you join iGem?
To be part of the process of putting together a project and help the community become more involved in synthetic biology

What is your iGEM confession?
When I joined iGEM as a freshman, I only had a vague idea about what DNA was.

What do you do in your free time?
Listen to music and watch videos of cute animals.

Rebecca Shin

Poster Team

Why did you join iGem?
I joined iGem because I wanted be in a club where I was able to share my interests in science. I also wanted to get some experience in developing research becuase it is a field I am interested in pursuing in the future.

What is your iGEM confession?
Tbh I didn't know what was going on during the meetings half of the time.

What do you do in your free time?
On my free time I do art, volunteer at the hospital, and babysit.

Rohith Kodukula

Web Team Leader

Why did you join iGem?
To apply my HTML and CSS skills to a project that comes to use for a club.

What is your iGEM confession?
It's pretty apparent that I don't do my job on time, but other than that I got nothing against myself.

What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I play League of Legends, read data analytics books, and work on college apps when not doing homework.

Ryan Heo

Website Team, Human Practices Team

Why did you join iGem?
I joined iGEM because I wanted to learn more about synthetic biology

What is your iGEM confession?
iGEM meetings are so fun and interesting.

What do you do in your free time?
I like programming and playing basketball with friends.

Stella Chung

Poster Team Leader

Why did you join iGem?
iGEM appealed to me right away because of its novelty as a science club and the passionate-minded people that made up the TP-CC team! I was (and still am) very interested in discovering more about various areas of biology and how to help instill positive change.

What is your iGEM confession?
Sometimes I'm the only one on the team who likes certain color schemes...

What do you do in your free time?
I definitely enjoy playing violin, doing taekwondo, and eating delicious food. (But not necessarily in that order)


Sihan (Sean) Wu


Huijun Yang

Plant Molecular and Cell Biology