


Enero / 25 / 2017

First iGem 2017 team meeting.

February / 07 / 2017

The 2016 iGem team members made an introductory presentation for the new members.

February / 14-27 / 2015

Fundraising events: in order to pay the inscription fee.

March / 13 / 2017

Snapgene sponsorship confirmation.

Eneroasdasda / 2asd5 / 20asd17


February / 07 / 2017

The 2016 iGem team members made an introductory presentation for the new members.

April / 01 / 2017

Tec Chihuahua is officially an iGem 2017 team.

April / 28 / 2015

After a lot of investigation and discussion, we decided on our project for this year's competition, based on the bacteria “Erwinia amylovora”.

May / 21 / 2017

After a lot of investigation we decided on the targets we wanted to inhibit in Erwinia Amylovora and the three genes that we will use for this purpose “aiiA, epsE and yhjH”. We also made the first draft of our biopart.

May / 23 / 2017

We made the announcement for courses of synthetic biology and mathematical model for the new members of the team and the team collaborators.

May / 24 / 2017

We started the training on synthetic biology with the first session: “Bacterial transformation” The first meeting of the mathematical model and human practices.

May / 25 / 2017

Second day of training: “Laboratory material sterilization and preparation of culture media”.

May / 26 / 2017

Third day of training: “General microbiology and PCR”.

May / 29 / 2017

Fourth day of training: “Plasmid DNA extraction” Also, was the first wet lab day!

May / 30 / 2017

Fifth day of training: “Ligation and digestion”.

May / 31 / 2017

We finished the training in synthetic biology with the session: “Electrophoresis”.

October / 28 / 2017

Momo elegante

November / 9 / 2017


Eneroasdasda / 2asd5 / 20asd17


February / 07 / 2017

The 2016 iGem team members made an introductory presentation for the new members.