Team:WashU StLouis/TeamPictures

Team Pictures

6/8/17 - Preparing a jar of LB media

6/9/17 - Learning how to perform gel electrophoresis from Eugene

6/12/17 - Cleaning out our old culture tubes

6/14/17 - Completing the cell measurement portion of the InterLab Study

6/16/17 - Preparing materials for the Pre-engineering Institute session

6/19/17 - Having one of our weekly meetings with Dr. Brennan and Eugene

6/19/17 - Celebrating Alex's birthday at good ol' Dairy Queen

6/20/17 - Presenting on the field of synthetic biology to the Pre-Engineering Institute students

6/20/17 - Helping the Pre-Engineering students with their BioBuilder activity

6/24/17 - Cutting the wood for our "To-Grow" Box

6/24/17 - Building the "To-Grow" Box