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<div class="inner" style="display:none;"> Protocol is following! </div></div>
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<b>Colony PCR with ALLin™ Red Taq Mastermix, 2X: </b>
<br> <br>
<b>aim: </b><br>
Is the insert DNA in the plasmid present or absent? <br>
Much easier than to isolate, purify the vector
<br> <br>
<b> good to know before the start: </b> <br>
- Take typical measures to prevent PCR cross over contamination, keep your bench clean, wear gloves, use sterile tubes and filter pipet tips <br>
- Include a no-template control and positive control in parallel. <br>
- Thaw and keep reagents on ice <br>
- Mix well before use.  <br>
- The longer the amplicon, the longer the extension time: Use 15 sec/kb extension. <br>
- Use 90 sec extension for multiplexing <br>
- Run an annealing temperature gradient from 55 °C to 65 °C to choose the best specificity conditions. Do not use fast cycling for multiplexing.  <br>
- ALLin™ Red Taq Mastermix, 2X is premixed with red dye and density reagents for direct loading on the gels after the PCR. In a 2% agarose TAE gel the dye migrates with~350 bp  DNA, in 1% agarose TAE gel with ~ 600 bp DNA fragments
<br> <br>
<b>step by step for E.coli: <b> <br> <br>
<div style="text-indent:10px;">- resuspend colonies: <br>
- label PCR tubes or wells of a PCR plate <br>
- pipette 10 – 20 μl PCR grade water into each tube/well <br>
- transfer transformants using sterile pipette or toothpicks into the individual tubes/wells <br>
- the amount of cells resuspended must just be visible <br>
- Resuspend each colony by stirring with the tip or toothpick. </div> <br>
- Prepare a PCR master mix  (always prepare at least 10 % more, use the excel sheet by Sophia
to calculate) <br>
- 20 μl would be good, Fabian suggested 5 μl <br>
Mix gently, avoid bubbles.  <br>
- Aliquote the 22.5 μl of PCR master mix into each PCR tube <br>
- Add 2.5 μl of the resuspended colony or overnight culture  <br>
Do not forget the negative control! <br>
- Close tube <br>
- Perform the PCR using Thermocycler as follow: <br>
<style type="text/css">
.tg  {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}
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.tg .tg-yw4l{vertical-align:top}
<table class="tg">
    <th class="tg-031e">Initial denaturation<br></th>
    <th class="tg-yw4l">1 cycle<br></th>
    <th class="tg-yw4l">95°C</th>
    <th class="tg-yw4l">60s</th>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">Denaturation</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">30-40 cycles<br></td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">95°C</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">15s</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">Annealing</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">30-40 cycles<br></td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">55-65°C</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">15s</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">Extension</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">30-40 cycles<br></td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">72°C</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">15-90s</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">Final extension<br></td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">1 cycle<br></td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">72°C</td>
    <td class="tg-yw4l">5 min<br></td>
<br> <br>
- Store probes for short time on ice, for long at -20°C <br>
- Load probes on the agarose gel e.g. 10 μl (so in case you have enough left for another round). <br>
<b>step by step  for yeast: </b>
- If resuspended colonies are to be used: pipette 50 μl of a 0.02 M NaOH  solution into each of a set of appropriately labelled PCR tubes or wells of a PCR plate. Using sterile pipette tips or toothpicks, transfer transformants to individual tubes/wells. The amount of cells 
resuspended must just be visible. Resuspend cells by pipetting or vortexing and incubate for
≥ 5 min at 37 °C.
If overnight cultures are to be used: pipette 40 μl of a 0.1 M NaOH solution into each of a
set of appropriately labelled PCR tubes or wells of a PCR plate. Transfer 10 μl of each
overnight culture to be tested to the appropriate tube/well and mix by pipetting up and down.
Incubate for ≥ 5 min at 37 °C.
Prepare a PCR master mix (always prepare at least 10% more, use the excel sheet to 
Aliquot 22.5 μl of PCR master mix into each PCR tube.
Add 2.5 μl of the resuspended colony or overnight culture mixed with NaOH to the 
appropriate PCR tube.
Close the tubes.
Perform the PCR using the following cycling profle:
NaOH opens the cells.
Load probes on the agarose gel.
Store probes for short time on ice, for long at -20°C.
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<div class="inner" style="display:none;"> Protocol is following! </div></div>
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Gel Electrophoresis
What is it ?
standard lab procedure for separating DNA by size (e.g., length in base pairs) for
visualization and purification
uses an electrical field to move the negatively charged DNA through an agarose gel matrix
toward a positive electrode.
Shorter DNA fragments migrate through the gel more quickly than longer ones. 
Why are we doing it ?
to determine the approximate length of a DNA fragment by running it on an agarose gel
alongside a DNA ladder (a collection of DNA fragments of known lengths).
Protocol : Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Pouring a Standard 1% Agarose Gel:
easure 1g agarose and and mix it with 100ml of TBE in a microwaveable flask.
Agarose gels are commonly used in concentrations of 0.7% to 2% depending on the
size of bands needed to be separated -  Simply adjust the mass of agarose in a given volume
to make gels of other agarose concentrations (e.g., 2 g of agarose in 100 mL of TAE will
make a 2% gel).
  1L 10x stock TBE: in the lab
Note: 10x stock of TBE has to be diluted to a 1x  puffer!
2. Microwave for 1-3 min until the agarose is completely dissolved (but do not overboil the
solution, as some of the buffer will evaporate and thus alter the final percentage of agarose in the
gel. Many people prefer to microwave in pulses, swirling the flask occasionally as the solution heats
  gloves and glasses ! Caution HOT! Be careful stirring, eruptive boiling can occur.
It is a good idea to microwave for 30-45 sec, stop and swirl, and then continue towards a boil.
Keep an eye on it as the initial boil has a tendency to boil over. Placing saran wrap over the top of
the flask can help with this, but is not necessary if you pay close attention.
Pouring of the gel
4. Let agarose solution cool down to about 50°C (about when you can comfortably keep your hand
on the flask), about 5 mins.
cool down in water bath about 30 min
Add ethidium bromide (EtBr) to a final concentration of approximately 0.2-0.5 μg/mL
(usually about 2-3 μl of lab stock solution per 100 mL gel). EtBr binds to the DNA and allows you
to visualize the DNA under ultraviolet (UV) light.
Note: Get a Safety Briefing from Fabian or Lena before working with EtBr !!!
Caution EtBr is a known mutagen. Wear a lab coat, eye protection and gloves when working
with this chemical.
If you add EtBr to your gel, you will also want to add it to the running buffer when you run
the gel.
Pour the agarose into a gel tray with the well comb in place.
Think about witch
gel tray size you need. (a small one or a big one.)
Pour slowly to avoid bubbles which will disrupt the gel. Any bubbles can be pushed away
from the well comb or towards the sides/edges of the gel with a pipette trip.
7. Let the newly poured gel sit at room temperature for 20-30 mins, until it has completely
if  you are in a hurry the gel can also be set more quickly if you place the gel tray at 4°C
earlier so that it is already cold when the gel is poured into it.
Loading Samples and Running an Agarose Gel:
Add loading buffer to each of your digest samples.
Loading buffer serves two purposes: 1) it provides a visible dye that helps with gel
loading and will also allows you to gauge how far the gel has run while you are running
your gel; and 2) it contains a high percentage of glycerol, so it increases the density of your
DNA sample causing it settle to the bottom of the gel well, instead of diffusing in the buffer.
Once solidified, place the agarose gel into the gel box (electrophoresis unit).
Fill gel box with 1xTAE (or TBE) until the gel is covered.
4.  Carefully load a molecular weight ladder into the first lane of the gel.
When loading the sample in the well, maintain positive pressure on the sample to prevent
bubbles or buffer from entering the tip. Place the very top of the tip of the pipette into the buffer just
above the well. Very slowly and steadily, push the sample out and watch as the sample fills the well.
After all of the sample is unloaded, push the pipettor to the second stop and carefully raising the
pipette straight out of the buffer.
5.  Carefully load your samples into the additional wells of the gel.
6.  Run the gel at 80-150 V until the dye line is approximately 75-80% of the way down the gel.
Black is negative, red is positive. (The DNA is negatively charged and will run towards the
positive electrode.)
Always Run to Red.
A typical run time is about 1-1.5 hours, depending on the gel concentration and voltage.
7.  Turn OFF power, disconnect the electrodes from the power source, and then carefully  remove
the gel from the gel box.
8. Using any device that has UV light, visualize your DNA fragments.
Fabian or Lena will give you a short introduction on how to work with UV light !!!
When using UV light, protect your skin by wearing safety goggles or a face shield, gloves
and a lab coat.
If you will be purifying the DNA for later use, use long-wavelength UV and expose for as
little time as possible to minimize damage to the DNA.
The fragments of DNA are usually referred to as ‘bands’ due to their appearance on the gel.
Analyzing Your Gel:
Using the DNA ladder in the first lane as a guide (the manufacturer's instruction will tell you the
size of each band), you can interpret the bands that you get in your sample lanes to determine if the
resulting DNA bands that you see are as expected or not. For more details on doing diagnostic
digests and how to interpret them please see the
Diagnostic Digest
Purifying DNA from Your Gel:
If you are conducting certain procedures, such as molecular cloning, you will need to purify the
DNA away from the agarose gel. For instructions on how to do this, visit the
Gel Purification
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What is the PCR ?
Method to make multiple copies of a
the specific  DNA-sequence
Protocol for PCR with Q5 High- Fidelity 2x Master Mix
Please note that protocols with
Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase may differ from protocols
with other polymerases. Conditions recommended below should be used for optimal
Reaction Setup:
assemble all reaction components on ice, work on ice while assembling
preheat the thermocycler to the denaturation temperature( 98 °C)
prior to use all components should be mixed
work quickly when transferring the reactions to a thermocycler
on ice
Assemble all components for the reaction :
25 μl Reaction
50 μl Reaction
Final Concentration
High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix
12.5 μl
25 μl
10 μM Forward Primer
1.25 μl
2.5 μl
0.5 μM
10 μM Reverse Primer
1.25 μl
2.5 μl
0.5 μM
Template DNA
< 1,000 ng
Nuclease-Free Water
to 25 μl
to 50 μl
Notes: Two Primers have to be diluted 1:10 !
Notes: Gently mix the reaction. Collect all liquid to the bottom of the tube by a quick spin if
necessary. Overlay the sample with mineral oil if using a PCR machine without a heated lid.
2. Transfer PCR tubes to a PCR machine and begin thermocycling.
1.Denaturation : double- stranded template DNA is heated to separate it into two single stands
2. Annealing    :  temperature is lowered to enable the DNA primers to attach to the template DNA
3. Extending    : temperature is raised and the new strand of DNA is made by the  polymerases
Thermocycling Conditions for a Routine PCR:
Initial Denaturation
30 seconds         
25–35 Cycles
5–10 seconds
Final Extension
hold is not
Use of high quality, purified DNA templates greatly enhances the success of PCR.
Recommended amounts of DNA template for a 50 μl reaction are as follows:
DNA Genomic
1 ng–1 μg
Plasmid or Viral
1 pg–1 ng
Oligonucleotide primers are generally 20–40 nucleotides in length and ideally have a GC
content of 40–60%. Computer programs such as
can be used to design or analyze
primers. The best results are typically seen when using each primer at a final concentration
of 0.5 μM in the reaction.
and additives:
Q5 High-Fidelity Master Mix contains 2.0
mM Mg
when used at a 1X concentration.
This is optimal for most PCR products generated with this master mix.
The final concentration of dNTPs is 200 μM of each deoxynucleotide in the 1X
Q5 High-
Fidelity Master Mix.
Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase cannot incorporate dUTP and is not
recommended for use with uracil-containing primers or templates.
High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase concentration:
The concentration of
Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase in the
Q5 High-Fidelity 2X Master
Mix has been optimized for best results under a wide range of conditions.
An initial denaturation of 30 seconds at 98°C is sufficient for most amplicons from pure
DNA templates. Longer denaturation times can be used (up to 3 minutes) for templates that
require it.
During thermocycling, the denaturation step should be kept to a minimum. Typically, a 5–10
second denaturation at 98°C is recommended for most templates.
Optimal annealing temperatures for
Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase tend to be higher
than for other PCR polymerases. The
should be used to determine the
annealing temperature when using this enzyme. Typically use a 10–30 second annealing step
at 3°C above the T
of the lower T
primer. A temperature gradient can also be used to
optimize the annealing temperature for each primer pair.
For high T
primer pairs, two-step cycling without a separate annealing step can be used
(see note 10).
The recommended extension temperature is 72°C. Extension times are generally 20–30
seconds per kb for complex, genomic samples, but can be reduced to 10 seconds per kb for
simple templates (plasmid,
E. coli
, etc.) or complex templates < 1 kb. Extension time can be
increased to 40 seconds per kb for cDNA or long, complex templates, if necessary.
A final extension of 2 minutes at 72°C is recommended.
Cycle number:
Generally, 25–35 cycles yield sufficient product.
For genomic amplicons, 30-35 cycles are
2-step PCR:
When primers with annealing temperatures ≥
72°C are used, a 2-step thermocycling protocol
(combining annealing and extension into one step) is possible.
Amplification of long products:
When amplifying products > 6 kb, it is often helpful to increase the extension time to 40–50
PCR product:
The PCR products generated using
Q5 High-Fidelity
Master Mix
have blunt ends. If
cloning is the next step, then blunt-end cloning is recommended. If T/A-cloning is preferred,
the DNA should be purified prior to A-addition, as
Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase will
degrade any overhangs generated.
Addition of an untemplated -dA can be done with
DNA Polymerase (
NEB #M0267
) or
Klenow exo
NEB #M0212

Revision as of 19:19, 25 October 2017

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