
No Sidebar - Escape Velocity by HTML5 UP

Team Eindhoven can be seen as our main collaborator as they are the team we had the most contact with. We were informed by our iGEM contact that they worked on a project similar to our LLPS approach to metabolic channeling. Their project called GUPPI uses the concept of membraneless organelles to form a gel like structure which could be used in various applications. This was exciting news for us since they concentrated way more on the detailed properties of the droplet forming proteins.

They agreed to a first skype call during which we had a very informative and interesting exchange about our projects. Our teams agreed to a mutual collaboration by helping each other out with problems and talking about overall experiences we had during the projects. The main talking points were Human practices approaches and ideas how to efficiently explain their project to the public. They helped our wiki team getting started by providing HTML and CSS literature. We also set them up with a contact regarding the modelling of their project.

At the end of summer, we kept in contact and had further skype calls and the collaboration continued by them helping us in a crucial part of the iGEM medal requirements with simulating and modelling our LLPS system. This gave us a better and more detailed understanding of the inner workings of our project. General communication continued in the form of regular skype conferences. Furthermore, our wiki teams kept in contact and provided feedback for each other’s wikis. We also agreed to help each other during the Giant Jamboree by listening to each other’s project presentations before the main Giant Jamboree talk.