Difference between revisions of "2017.igem.org/WeIntroduceOurselves"

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<div id="image1" class="ImageContainer"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/be/T--Potsdam--team--bryan1.jpg"/></div>
<div id="image1" class="ImageContainer"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/be/T--Potsdam--team--bryan1.jpg"/></div>
<div id="description1" class="Description"><p>Bryan, 20 years <br> studying bioscience <br><br><b> My biggest finding during iGEM: </b><br> The importance of communicating what you and all the others are doing so that everyone has an understanding of what's going on.</p></div>
<div id="description1" class="Description"><p>Bryan, 20 years <br> studying Bioscience <br><br><b> My biggest finding during iGEM: </b><br> The importance of communicating what you and all the others are doing so that everyone has an understanding of what's going on.</p></div>
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<div id="image2" class="ImageContainer"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/da/T--Potsdam--team--felix.jpg"/></div>
<div id="image2" class="ImageContainer"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/da/T--Potsdam--team--felix.jpg"/></div>
<div id="description2" class="Description"><p>Felix, 23 years <br> studying bioscience <br> <br> <b> My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br> Scientific research really is 99% unexpected outcomes and failures and 1% something working without you knowing exactly why.</p></div>
<div id="description2" class="Description"><p>Felix, 23 years <br> studying Bioscience <br> <br> <b> My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br> Scientific research really is 99% unexpected outcomes and failures and 1% something working without you knowing exactly why.</p></div>
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<div id="image3" class="ImageContainer"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/ea/T--Potsdam--team--platzhalter.jpg"/></div>
<div id="image3" class="ImageContainer"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/ea/T--Potsdam--team--platzhalter.jpg"/></div>
<div id="description3" class="Description"><p>Josefin, 20 years <br> studying bioscience <br> <br> <b> My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br> Things never turn out the way you expect</p></div>
<div id="description3" class="Description"><p>Josefin, 20 years <br> studying Bioscience <br> <br> <b> My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br> Things never turn out the way you expect.</p></div>
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<div id="image7" class="ImageContainer"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/42/T--Potsdam--team--patricia.jpg"/></div>
<div id="image7" class="ImageContainer"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/42/T--Potsdam--team--patricia.jpg"/></div>
<div id="description7" class="Description"><p>Patricia, 22 years <br> studying Bioscience <br><br><b>My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br>Gotta love a great to-do list</p></div>
<div id="description7" class="Description"><p>Patricia, 22 years <br> studying Bioscience <br><br><b>My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br>Gotta love a great to-do list.</p></div>
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<div id="image9" class="ImageContainer"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f8/T--Potsdam--team--sarah.jpg"/></div>
<div id="image9" class="ImageContainer"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f8/T--Potsdam--team--sarah.jpg"/></div>
<div id="description9" class="Description"><p>Sarah, 20 years <br> studying Bioscience <br><br><b>My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br>Only that wich is frozen needs to thaw</p></div>
<div id="description9" class="Description"><p>Sarah, 20 years <br> studying Bioscience <br><br><b>My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br>Only that wich is frozen needs to thaw.</p></div>
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<div id="image10" class="ImageContainer"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/69/T--Potsdam--team--sonja.jpg"/></div>
<div id="image10" class="ImageContainer"> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/69/T--Potsdam--team--sonja.jpg"/></div>
<div id="description10" class="Description"><p>Sonja, 21 years <br> studying Bioscience <br><br><b>My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br>Who needs to sleep anyway</p></div>
<div id="description10" class="Description"><p>Sonja, 21 years <br> studying Bioscience <br><br><b>My biggest finding during iGEM: </b> <br>Who needs sleep anyway?</p></div>

Revision as of 08:32, 28 October 2017

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We introduce ourselves
-c -G -T -C -G -C -G -A -C -T -A -C -A -C -G -C -G -C -A -G -C -A -C -A -T -G -T -A -G -C -G -C -C -A -T -G -C -T -T -A -A -G -G -T -A -C -A -C -C -C -T -A -G -G -G -G -T -T -G -T -A -G -C -C -A -T -A -A -A -G -T -A -T -G -G -G -G -C -T -T -G -G -T -C -G -T -T -C -T -T -G -T -G -A -T -C -T -C -C -T -A -A -A -C -C -C -T -G -G -G -C -T -T -A -A -G -A -T -C -T -T -A -C -G -A -G -C -G -T -A -T -A -C -A -T -T -C -T -C -G -G -T -G -T -T -C -G -T -G -A -T -T -G -G -C -A -C -T -T -A -C -T -A -T -A -G -T -G -A -A -T -T -T -C -T -T -G -G -A -A -C -C -T -G -G -T -A -T -G -G -G -T -G -A -T -G -C -C -G -C -A -G -A -G -A -T -A -C -A -A -T -C -C -A -T -C -C -G -C -C -G -A -A -T -A -T -C -A -A -C -G -T -A -A -A -C -G -G -G -T -A -G -G -A -G -G -A -G -A -A -T -T -A -T -G -A -A -C -G -C -C -G -T -G -T -A -C -T -A -A -A -C -C -A -G -C -T -G -C -T -C -A -A -C -T -G -C -T -C -T -C -A -C -A -T -A -G -A -A -A -T -C -T -C -G -T -A -A -G -T -G -A -A -A -A -A -T -T -A -C -T -G -T -C -C -A -C -T -G -G -G -T -C -A -T -G -C -C -T -C -G -G -C -A -T -A -T -A -A -T -G -G -C -A -C -G -G -G -T -C -C -G -G -G -A -G -C -G -A -C -G -G -C -T -A -T -T -T -A -T -A -C -A -T -T -G -A -G -T -C -T -G -T -T -A -T -T -C -T -G -G -G -G -A -G -G -G -T -C -T -C -A -C -T -G -A -C -A -T -A -A -C -G -T -C -G -G -G -T -T -T -C -A -A -G -T -G -A -C -T -A -T -G -G -G -G -C -T -G -G -C -C -A -T -T -C -C -C -T -G -T -T -G -C -A -A -A -A -C -G -G -G -T -A -C -C -A -G -A -C -A -C -G -A -T -T -T -A -C -G -A -T -A -T -T -C -T -T -T -A -A -C -A -G -C -T -G -A -T -C -T -T -T -A -T -A -G -A -T -T -G -T -A -A -C -A -G -G -A -A -T -G -C -A -G -T -T -T -T -C -T -C -T -A -G -C -T -G -T -T -G -T -G -A -A -G -C -A -A -T -T -T -G -T -C -C -C -A -T -T -A -T -G -A -A -T -C -G -G -G -G -G -T -G -A -C -T -T -T -G -C -C -G -C -C -T -G -G -C -G -G -C -C -A -G -A -A -A -G -A -A -G -C -C -T -A -A -A -C -G -C -T -G -G -A -T -G -A -T -C -C -C -C -C -A -G -T -G -C -A -C -C -T -G -G -C -G -A -G -A -A -T -C -A -G -A -G -C -T -G -T -C -A -T -A -A -G -T -C -A -G -C -C -A -T -G -T -G -G -G -A -C -T -A -C -A -
A- T- B- R- Y- A- N- G-

Bryan, 20 years
studying Bioscience

My biggest finding during iGEM:
The importance of communicating what you and all the others are doing so that everyone has an understanding of what's going on.

A- F- E- L- I- X- G- C-

Felix, 23 years
studying Bioscience

My biggest finding during iGEM:
Scientific research really is 99% unexpected outcomes and failures and 1% something working without you knowing exactly why.

J- O- S- E- F- I- N- C-

Josefin, 20 years
studying Bioscience

My biggest finding during iGEM:
Things never turn out the way you expect.

L- I- S- A- N- N- T- A-

Lisann, 21 years
studying nutritional science

My biggest finding during iGEM:
Pauline's cat is awsome! :)

M- A- R- E- I- K- E- A-

Mareike, 22 years
studying Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

My biggest finding during iGEM:
The moment when a testgel causes an accelerated heart rate.

G- N- A- T- A- L- I- E-

Natalie, 24 years
studying Bioscience

My biggest finding during iGEM:
Theory and practice do not always fall in place.

P- A- T- R- I- C- I- A-

Patricia, 22 years
studying Bioscience

My biggest finding during iGEM:
Gotta love a great to-do list.

P- A- U- L- I- N- E- A-

Pauline, 20 years
studying Bioscience

My biggest finding during iGEM: If it were that simple, someone would have already solved it.

A- C- C- S- A- R- A- H-

Sarah, 20 years
studying Bioscience

My biggest finding during iGEM:
Only that wich is frozen needs to thaw.

C- A- G- S- O- N- J- A-

Sonja, 21 years
studying Bioscience

My biggest finding during iGEM:
Who needs sleep anyway?

S- O- P- H- I- A- A- G-

Sophia, 23 years
studying Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

My biggest finding during iGEM:
Mistakes are often the best teachers.

S- T- E- L- L- A- G- A-

Stella, 22 years
studying Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

My biggest finding during iGEM:
Pauline's cat is awsome!