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<!-- <h1 class="to-animate hero-animate-1">Bioremediation of Cr (VI) from wastewater using microalgae</h1>
<h2 class="to-animate hero-animate-2">Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan</a></h2> -->
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                          <p>Chromium is a well-known toxin and carcinogen with wide industrial use. Pollution with chromium is a serious environmental concern in Kazakhstan since it is the 2nd largest chromium manufacturer in the world. Chromium primarily exists in two redox forms: trivalent and hexavalent. The former is poorly soluble and less toxic compared to the latter form. Hexavalent chromium is bioavailable and readily crosses membranes through sulfate transporters. The goal of our project is to collect Cr(VI) from wastewater, reduce it to trivalent form and store inside the microalgae <i>C. reinhardtii</i>. We are introducing chromate reductase which converts Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and oligopeptide chromodulin which tightly binds 4 Cr(III) ions. To increase chromate uptake into the cell, we are exploiting natural ability of <i>C. reinhardtii</i> to upregulate sulfate channels when starved from sulfur. Our safety system is represented by photosensitizing protein SuperNova. It generates ROS when exposed to 585 nm wavelength of light.</p>
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<p>Pollution of natural resources with toxic metals is one of the biggest issues in a globe. Particularly hexavalent chromium is prevalent in an amount of exposed population, namely, it is 16 000 000 people all around the world. Moreover, it is quite problematic not only in industrial countries like Kazakhstan, which directly extracts and processes chromium ores (JSC "Aktobe Chromium Compounds Plant", JSC "Aksu ferroalloys Plant", LLC "Sunrise Chromium", JSC "Ferroalloy", TNS "Kazchromium", Aktobe Paint Factory, "Sunrise" Chromium Ores Processing Plant), but also in any places that are involved in electrical devices production; glass, stone, metal processing, tanned leather and textile production, dyes, resins, plastics, pharmaceuticals; aircraft. Cr (VI) may lead to a gastric ulcer, skin irritation, dermatitis; liver, kidneys & nervous system failure and even to cancer, since it generates reactive oxygen species and causes double strand breaks of human genetic material. At the present time, water pollution by chromates occupies one of the top places among global environmental problems. Control of the utilization of toxic wastes, namely chromates, with a wastewater, is currently at a very low level. The project considers the bioremediation as a solution to this problem. Bioremediation is a complex waste management technique that involves the use of modified biological organisms, in this case, microalgae to remove or neutralize pollutants from a contaminated site by converting hazardous substances into less toxic or non-toxic substances (toxic Cr (VI) to less toxic Cr (III). Thus, our team aims to genetically modify Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to gain the ability to:</p>
Uptake the hexavalent chromium and to keep them inside.</li><li>
Reduce toxic Cr (VI) to less toxic valence states.</li><li>
To be killed in order to make sure that the system is safe for people and natural world.</li>
<i>C.reinhardtii</i> is an autotrophic model organism that reproduces fast and does not require special control of growing temperature (15°C-35°C).</p><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/df/Nukazmicroalgae.png">
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<li>Astana, Kazakhstan</li>
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Latest revision as of 02:58, 2 November 2017

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Chromium is a well-known toxin and carcinogen with wide industrial use. Pollution with chromium is a serious environmental concern in Kazakhstan since it is the 2nd largest chromium manufacturer in the world. Chromium primarily exists in two redox forms: trivalent and hexavalent. The former is poorly soluble and less toxic compared to the latter form. Hexavalent chromium is bioavailable and readily crosses membranes through sulfate transporters. The goal of our project is to collect Cr(VI) from wastewater, reduce it to trivalent form and store inside the microalgae C. reinhardtii. We are introducing chromate reductase which converts Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and oligopeptide chromodulin which tightly binds 4 Cr(III) ions. To increase chromate uptake into the cell, we are exploiting natural ability of C. reinhardtii to upregulate sulfate channels when starved from sulfur. Our safety system is represented by photosensitizing protein SuperNova. It generates ROS when exposed to 585 nm wavelength of light.