Team:NYMU-Taipei/HP/10th anniversary exhibition

iGEM NYMU-Taipei 10-Year Exhibition

The Origin of iGEM NYMU-Taiepi 10-Year Exhibition

This year we are hosting the iGEM NYMU-Taipei 10 Year Exhibition where we would like to present projects of NYMU-Taipei from the past decade. Other teams would be able to see the brainstorming process, the problems past members faced and a step by step process of how they solved any issues. We would also like to analyze how topics and thinking process evolved over these past ten years. We look forward that through this 10-year exhibition we can share the biology and biological innovation applications to the general public, current iGEM participants or even future iGEM participants.
In this exhibition, we will present NYMU-Taipei team stories and experiences we had in the past ten years as well as arrange short talks with past-iGEM participants for advice. In the below time-lapse photography and panorama, you can see how we arranged the venue, as well as the whole picture of the exhibition.

Interview with Senior iGEMers

During the arrangement of iGEM NYMU-Taipei 10 Year Exhibition, we had interviewed with twelve senior NYMU-Taipei iGEMers, who attended iGEM from 2007-2016. Through these interviews, we observed and learned how synthetic biology had impacted the past members of NYMU-Taipei team, and how “designed thinking” affected each person’s scientific career. In addition, these seniors gave us lots of suggestions to adjust and improve our project. The feedback significantly meant iGEM experience from all NYMU-Taipei iGEMers could be passed down, however, the long-standing ten-year team history.
You can read here in our excerpts of five of the essence of the interviews, other interviews can refer to our team Facebook page. Furthermore, we re-made two posters, providing a visual overview of all topics of projects from the past ten years in iGEM NYMU-Taipei, and they could be viewed online as a high-resolution PDF.

Opening Ceremony

September 4th was an important date of iGEM NYMU-Taipei 10 Year Exhibition, the opening ceremony. We invited the president of National Yang-Ming University, Prof. Kung-Yee Liang, the primary PI of Team NCTU_Formosa, Wen-Liang Chen, and the members of The Investigator Taiwan, to address speeches for the exhibition. We welcomed everyone to come to the open ceremony and celebrated with us, understanding projects from the past NYMU-Taipei teams.
The news related to opening ceremony and the following exhibition was published on our school official website. We were very grateful to National Yang-Ming University for financial support and all kinds of assistance.