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Our project


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Background facts and information
The field of synthetic biology combines different disciplines, like molecular biology, engineering, mathematics and physics to improve the knowledge of existing biological systems or to design and manipulate genes, pathways and entire genomes of organisms, for them to fulfill a certain purpose. Synthetic Biology is applied in various fields and disciplines. For biomedical applications it can be used to design ...
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In our first approach, we utilize the DNA-binding function of deadCas9 (dCas9) to bind two enzymes of the Indoleacetic acid (IAA) pathway on a DNA-scaffold, which we introduce into E.coli. By binding the enzymes on DNA, we decrease the distance the substrates have to travel in the cytoplasm and thereby hope to achieve a higher output of Indoleacetic acid....
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Project Design
Biotechnological applications have skyrocketed and evolved to be one of the most ubiquitous aspects in our daily life in the past years. From uses in food industry to dietary supplements and science, so-called white biotechnology is everywhere. That’s why we try to recreate a widespread phenomenon called metabolic channelling synthetically and increase the yield in biochemical...
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Research work & Protocols
Finding a suitable topic was very challenging and time consuming. Initially, we looked through projects of prior teams and assembled a list of possible topics. A big influence was a new method for assembling genes in a manufacturing manner which was being developed by a research group on our university. Based on the quick and easy synthesis of proteins a first idea was the creation of enzymes that could convert blood groups....
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Team Eindhoven’s project and our LLPs project have a lot of similarities (see our collaboration for more information). Apart from experimenting with their idea they also used a newly designed and a rule-based model system to simulate their experiments outcome more accurately. Through our collaboration they agreed to helping us modelling our system for a better insight into the protein-protein interactions during LLPs...
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Biotechnological applications have skyrocketed and evolved to be one of the most ubiquitous aspects in our daily life in the past years. From uses in food industry to dietary supplements and science, so-called white biotechnology is everywhere. That’s why we try to recreate a widespread phenomenon called metabolic channelling synthetically and increase the yield in biochemical...
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