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The number of biotechnological applications has skyrocketed and have evolved to be one of the most ubiquitous aspects in our daily life in the past years. From uses in food industry to dietary supplements and science, white biotechnology is everywhere.

That’s why we try to recreate a widespread natural phenomenon called metabolic channelling synthetically to increase the yield biochemical reactions. Metabolic channelling occurs when the enzymes responsible for a specific reaction are in close proximity to each other, and thereby decrease the diffusion time of the substrates (see animation below).

*Animation zur Verdeutlichung von metabolic channelling*

In our first method, we utilize the DNA-binding function of deadCas9 (dCas9) to bind two enzymes of the Indoleacetic acid (IAA) pathway, IAA tryptophan monooxygenase (IAAM) and indoleacetamide hydrolase (IaaH) on a DNA-scaffold which we introduce into E.coli. By binding the enzymes on DNA, we decrease the distance the substrates have to travel in the cytoplasm and hope to achieve a higher output of Indoleacetic acid.

The second method revolves around Liquid-liquid-phase separation, a process naturally occurring in cells1. Through this process, proteins aggregate together to form droplets or membrane-less bodies in the cytoplasm or nucleoplasm. This can be thought of as lipid droplets forming in water, just with proteins. Examples for this process in nature are stress granules or cajal bodies. The formation of droplets has already been studied by attaching YFP to Ddx4 (Nott et al.)2, a protein known for aggregation. There are also indicators for this to happen in bacteria3. To use this mechanism for improvement of enzyme efficiency, the YFP-coding region will be replaced by the coding region of the IAA enzymes and expressed in yeast, because of droplet size.

*Video mit der Bildung von droplets in HeLa zellen*

Formation of fluorescing droplets in HeLa cells, courtesy of Tim Nott

IAA concentrations were measured with GC-MS and compared to levels corresponding to free diffusion of the enzymes.