Presentation of iGEM at the department of biology at the Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf
Tour around our new workspace in the lab of Prof. Dr. Pauly
Presentation of iGEM in the University of Cologne to find new members and establish a collaboration between the two universities
Team selection and first get together of the whole team
First brainstorming with members from the University of Cologne and the Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf
Second brainstorming at the weekend with the whole team and teambuilding
Received material donations from Starlab
Received material donations from Biozym
Presenting our first project ideas to different professors from our universities, Prof. Dr. Andreas Weber, Prof. Dr. Zurbriggen, Prof. Dr. Axmann as well as Danny Ducat from Michigan State University, US
Received material donations from Carl Roth GmbH + Co. KG