Team:HBUT-China/Basic Parts


In accordance with silver medal criteria #1, we have created, documented, and submitted a brand new biobrick part.This part is a DNA sequence which can express a kind of repressor protein.And this kind of repressor protein can sits on a sequence of DNA—pncrA(a promotor),to repress the transcription of the downstream sequence. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) and footprinting assays showed that purified NcrB could specifically bind to the inverted repeat sequence of pncrA in vitro.But the repressor protein will change its shape when there is nickel ion,so it can no longer sit on the promotor site.When you need to use Pncra as your promotor in your recombinant plasmid,you can use this part to express corresponding repressor protein.

Link to BBa_K2304000 Part in Registry of Standard Biological Parts


In accordance with silver medal criteria #1, we have created, documented, and submitted a brand new biobrick part. This part is a DNA sequence of a promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) and footprinting assays showed that purified NcrB could specifically bind to the inverted repeat sequence of pncrA in vitro. So downstream gene after pncrA can be repressed by NcrB. But when there is nickel ion,NcrB will combine with the nickel ion and change its shape,and then the downstream gene after pncrA can be expressed.

Link to BBa_K2304001 Part in Registry of Standard Biological Parts