


DsRNA Extraction

We extracted dsTrxz/hpTrxz produced by M-JM109-LacY containing BBa_K2377004 (Fig.1)/BBa_K2377005 (Fig.2). M-JM109-LacY and M-JM109-LacY containing pDP (Fig.3) are control groups.

Fig.1 BBa_K2377004: DPTrxz
Fig.2 BBa_K2377005: TrxzL
Fig.3 BBa_K2377016: pDP

Products are shown in Fig.4. DsTrxz and hpTrxz are approximately 500bp. We can see in the picture that dsTrxz and hpTrxz are successfully extracted. (Yellow box)

Fig.4 Gel electrophoresis picture of dsRNA extraction products. (1) BBa_K2377004: DPTrxz, mini-preparation. (2) BBa_K2377005: TrxzL, mini-preparation. (3) BBa_K2377004: DPTrxz, mass isolation. (4) BBa_K2377005: TrxzL, mass isolation. (5) BBa_K2377016: pDP mini-preparation. (6) M-JM109-LacY, mini-preparation. We can see in the picture that dsTrxz and hpTrxz are successfully extracted. (yellow box)

Plant Treatment

To verify the function of dsTrxz, we did the plant treatment experiment.

Three groups of Arabidopsis are shown below:

group/treatment Days in MS media Days in MS + dsTrxz
group 1 7 5
group 2 14 21
group 3 22 30
Data of group 2 is perfect but lost. Here we show the data of group 1 and group 3.

Group 1

We seperated group 1 into six subgroups. Each group is treated with different concentration of dsTrxz:

Subgroup Concentration (ng/L)
1 0
2 0.1
3 1
4 10
5 100
6 1000

We did this experiment to optimize concentration of dsTrxz treatment. As we can see in figure 5, LWRs with dsTrxz treatment are higher than those without dsTrxz treatment. LWRs are relative stable with consentration higher than 1ng/L.

Fig.5 Average Leaf Whiting Rate (LWR) of Arabidopsis 5 days after growing in media with different concentration of dsTrxz.

Group 2

The picture (Fig. 6) of Control group and dsTrxz (+) group shows significant differeces caused by dsTrxz treatment (10ng/L).

Fig.6 Comparison of control group and treatment group. 2a. Treatment group shows significant poorer growth vigor than control group. 2b. Leaves turn yellow one month after dsTrxz treatment.

We measured number of leaves (Fig.7a), average length of longest leaves (Fig. 7b) and average LWR (Fig. 7c) of contol group and dsTrxz group. Results show significant differences after dsTrxz treatment.

Fig.7 Arabidopsis 1 month after growing on media with 10ng/L dsTrxz. (a) Number of leaves shows changes of growth vigor after dsTrxz treatment. (b) Average length of longest leaves shows changes of growth vigor agter dsTrxztreatment. (c) Average LWR shows significant whiting phenotype after dsTrxz treatment.