Our software is designed to remove restriction sites by inducing silent mutations - the web-based tool is fast and easy to use: insert the desired gene, select the restriction sites to be removed and the tool will output the new DNA sequences, highlighting mutations induced. The DNA will still encode the same protein, but will no longer contain the restriction sites. Two pre-made sets of restriction sites exist on the tool, one makes the input DNA compatible for RFC 10, and the other makes the input DNA compatible for a multitude of assembly standards (RFC 10, 12, 21, 23, 25 and 1000). Our tool can be used in conjunction with other web-tools to optimise genes (uniprot and idtdna's codon optimisation tool are shown below). The tool is fast, intuitive and convenient when synthesising new DNA fragments.
Making New Genes for iGEM
1. Identify the target protein or gene
2. Obtain Amino Acid or DNA Sequence
4. Insert output into RSRemover
5. Select target restriction sites
6. The output will be optimised for iGEM
1. Identify the target protein or gene
2. Obtain Amino Acid or DNA Sequence
4. Insert output into RSRemover
5. Select target restriction sites
6. The output will be optimised for iGEM