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                                 <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f0/NYMU%EF%BC%BF5th%EF%BC%BFiGEM%EF%BC%BFAsia-Pacific%EF%BC%BFConference%EF%BC%BF7.jpeg"  width="600px"  height="450px">
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                                  <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/79/NYMU_5th_iGEM_Asia-Pacific_Conference_32.jpg"  width="600px"  height="450px">        
                            <h4>o Taipei First Girls’ High School</h4>
                              <p>          On September 28, 2017, NYMU-iGEM team headed to Taipei First High School in order to promote the iGEM competition in high schools. The Biology club in Taipei First High School (TFGBC) is composed of students who are interested in the biology field. After contacting with TFGBC several times, we decided to hold a seminar in Taipei First High School. We not only introduced synthetic biology, the iGEM Giant Jamboree, other iGEM teams’ works, and iGEM high school tract, but also briefly talked about our project -Smart AlgaEnergy. To advocate the IGEM competition was the main purpose of this seminar. We hoped it could stimulate their passion on synthetic biology, maybe even resulting in them becoming iGEMers in the future! After our presentation, both NYMU-iGEM team and TFGBC wanted to have further academic exchanges in the future, such as lab visits, student practices…etc.</p>
                        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e8/NYMU_2017_HP_TFG.jpg"  width="400px"  height="300px" />

Revision as of 03:30, 7 October 2017

o NCTU_Formosa IGEM team

Later in July, we attended the 5th Annual Asia Pacific Conference held at National Chiao Tung University. During the four-day event, we had the opportunity to meet around 25 iGEM teams – from Taiwan, China, Japan, and the US. The conference began with each team displaying their posters and getting a big picture of what everyone’s project is about. For the following days, each team would each hold a 40-minute presentation session with Q&A time. Through our presentation, our presenters acquired a sense of what the final presentation at Giant Jamboree will be like. Furthermore, during the Q&A session, we received many feedbacks in regards to improvements that could be made -- including the utilization of waste proteins that are produced in the cycle of biofuel. For the rest of the conference we attended others’ presentations; by listening to every team’s progress and obtaining a sense of the field they are researching in, we were able to acknowledge the pros and cons of our own project while seeking for possible collaborations. For example, we learned that National Chang Gung University shares a similar denitrification mechanism as us and that National Tsing Hua University excels in the visual representation of their project. Still, this conference was extremely valuable not only because we were able to learn from each other, but more importantly due to the fact that we had the privilege to talk and spend time with people of the same interests!