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<h2>Our Team</h2>
<h2>Team Activities</h2>
<p> <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/4a/T--TU_Darmstadt--Gruppenbild.jpeg" style="width:100%;"> </p>  
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The 2017 iGEM project was much more than just studying, wet lab work and building a microscope. We had a lot of fun besides the work which contributed to a great year and made our team grow closer together. This makes lab work much more fun, appearing conflicts can be solved more easily and a lot of new friendships have been built. We all learned from each other: the physics students got an introduction to synthetic biology, the biology students got in touch with programming, new students learned from more experienced students and vice versa. But scroll down and see what we did during the 2017 iGEM year!
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<h3>Team Members</h3
<h3>Project Monitoring</h3>
<h4>Team Instructor</h4>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/d5/T--TU_Darmstadt--16ProfWarzecha.jpg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:30%;">
<p><b> Prof. Dr. Heribert Warzecha </b> <br>
Research: Plant Biotechnology and Metabolic Engineering <br>
Prof. Dr. Heribert Warzecha is a professor for Plant Biotechnology and Metabolic Engineering at the TU Darmstadt. He initiated the iGEM project at our university in 2012 and supported us in all our efforts since then. His research focuses on the production of lipoprotein vaccines in plant chloroplasts and metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolism with human CYP450 enzymes that have an extraordinary broad substrate acceptance</p>
<h4>Project Coordination</h4><div>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/23/T--TU_Darmstadt--Thomas.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"><p> <b> Thomas Georg Wagner </b> <br>
Age: 25 <br>
Studies: B. Sc. Biomolecular Engineering <br>
Semester: 4 <br>
Last year I was allowed to take part in the iGEM team and enjoyed the scientific discourse. Normally this is not accessible in the early semester. The close personal contact to students from other semesters and studies was quite nice too. This year I may be part of the team coordination and learn to manage the organisational part of the project. I am looking forward to this challenge and hope that I can come up to the trust of our professor and my team members.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/64/T--TU_Darmstadt--Timo.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"><p> <b> Timotheus Martin Kiehl </b> <br>
Age: 20<br>
Studies: B. Sc. Biomolecular Engineering <br>
Semester: 4<br>
This is the first year I take part in the iGEM competition and I directly decided to incorporate myself into the project coordination. In my opinion learning from the experienced is the best way of learning, so I hope to learn much about team coordination, but even more about my team as of itself through a relaxed BBQ or in the lab.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/ef/T--TU_Darmstadt--Issy.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Isabelle Feinauer </b> <br>
Our iGEM team has a lot of team members and as most of you probably know, team work is not always easy. That’s why we decided to have a project monitoring team. It means that we have people supporting us during working processes and help us to optimize specific routines. Our team organized team building events, workshops about scientific skills which are useful for our scientific career and furthermore. Our project monitors are students who are working in different biological research fields but are also trained to support interdisciplinary teams and have experiences with different team projects. Project monitoring exonerates the team coordination and helps to re-focus again in stressful situations, helps to mediate in conflicts and try to improve our qualities as a team.
Age: 20<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biology<br>
Semester: 4<br>
This year, I decided to join the iGEM team at TU Darmstadt for the first time. I am extremely enthusiastic about being a part of this multidisciplinairy project while also having the opportunity to gain invaluable experience in the laboratory. My personal objective is to grow and improve as an individual by effectively conquering the variety of challenges I will face during this project. However, I am also focused on building strong relationships with my team and working cooperatively, efficiently, and cohesively in order to successfully complete our assignments.
<h4>Project Monitors</h4>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/0/0c/T--TU_Darmstadt--Thea.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Thea S. Lotz </b> <br>
Age: 27<br>
Field of study: have been M.Sc. Biomolecular Engineering, now I do my PhD in Synthetic Biology<br>
Semester: I heard you don't have to tell if it has more than one digit.<br>
I am always happy to see a new team grow together (and learn together as a team). In 2017 an exciting project will be realized, with which we will totally save the world! Or have fun doing our own science, but that's almost the same. This is my third year in which I supervise iGEM at the TU Darmstadt, so I’m sure it is going to be a very special year! I look forward to the challenges and discussions, the international meet-ups, and the team-BBQ nights!
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/74/T--TU_Darmstadt--Schirin.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Ann Schirin Mirsanaye</b> <br>
Age: 23<br>
Studies: M.Sc. Technical Biology and lectureship for high schools in the subjects biology und politics<br>
Semester: 3<br>
It’s my first iGEM year. I’m one of the project consultants, which means, that I do workshops, seminaries and team supporting events. In my opinion the mixture between fun, team spirit and productivity is essential for a good team result, but it needs to be promoted like any other soft skill.. My experiences as a trainer are helpful to achieve this goal. I enjoy working with motivated people and I think iGEM is a great chance for young students to work in an interdisciplinary project and to improve for example their lab skills. I’m convinced that our team has a good chance to develop an amazing project, because of the big diversity of interesting characters of the team and I’m really glad to be a part of that team.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/2/2f/T--TU_Darmstadt--Max_Z.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Max Zander</b> <br>
Age: 24<br>
Studies: Biomolecular Engineering (M.Sc.)<br>
Semester: 1<br>
My name is Maximilian Zander and I am studying Biomolecular Engineering at the TU Darmstadt in my 1th master semester. I already participated on the last 2 years in the iGEM team and gathered a lot of positive experience (not only in the laboratory) as well as networking with a lot of young, motivated students. That is why I want to be a part of iGEM TU Darmstadt 2017. I am very excited to work on this huge team on own ideas and generate an extraordinary project.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/1c/T--TU_Darmstadt--Bea.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Bea Marie Spiekermann</b> <br>
Age: 21 years<br>
Studies: B. Sc. Biology<br>
Semester: 4<br>
Already in my first semester, I learned about iGEM; and in this year, I can be part of the iGEM Team for the first time.<br>
The project allows me to optimize independent work and organizational skills.<br>
At the end of the fourth semester, I will have all the basic modules finished. That's why I would like to take the opportunity to extend my abilities outside normal studies. This I hope to experience with great joy and collegial teamwork.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/37/T--TU_Darmstadt--Cristina.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Cristina Kurzknabe</b> <br>
Age: 20<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biomolecular Engineering<br>
Semester: 4<br>
I have had wanted to join iGem ever since I started my studies. I thought it was great that we could not only apply the knowledge that we were learning in the lectures, but also learn about teamwork! Being relatively new, I found that a big difference between iGem and usual practical courses was that the group had no script or specific tasks are given and thus had to organize itself. This did give a lot of responsibility, but also a lot of freedom. I am in charge of a smaller group at the moment. In doing so, I am confronted with a new type of challenge. That is, organizing and leading the group, all the while still doing my responsibilities. Overall, I have learned to work in a lab, thanks to the helpful advice of other more experienced members. I can´t wait to see the fruit of our work!
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f7/T--TU_Darmstadt--Clara.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Clara Sophie Nowak</b> <br>
Age: 20<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biology<br>
Semester: 4<br>
This semester it is the first time for me to take part in the iGEM-compition. When I heard of this competition in the middle of my second semester, I decided to take part next year. My motivation is on the one hand the practical learning of laboratory work, apart the short practice in university courses, on the other side participating in a project organized by students in all its facets like project finding, sponsoring, laboratory work, public relations work, ethical benefit and project organization.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/74/T--TU_Darmstadt--Claudia.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Claudia Kreher</b> <br>
M.Sc. Technical Biology<br>
Semester: 12<br>
Through my participation in the last year’s iGEM team I could learn much and I like the independent work in the lab. Another reason is that I like to work in a team and I like to meet new people and have a great time with them. This year I’m not working in the lab on my own, but I support my team with knowledge and experience. Furthermore I take part in the Human Practices and sponsoring team
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/37/T--TU_Darmstadt--Daniel.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Daniel Kelvin</b> <br>
Age: 20<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biology<br>
Semester: 4<br>
This year is my first time taking part in the iGEM competition and I´m absolutely fascinated by the chance to independently promote the research and development of a project so closely related to a subject which has been fascinating me since my childhood. Biological research has always been connected to a strong interdisciplinary background and thanks to iGEM I hope to personally develop a better understanding of the different disciplines involved with the construction of a larger scientific project to be better prepared for my future career. iGEM offers me a perfect opportunity to learn about self-organized project management during my undergraduate studies.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/8/8f/T--TU_Darmstadt--Elena.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Elena Nickels</b> <br>
Age: 22<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biology<br>
Semester: 4<br>
I am part of the iGEM Team for the first time this year. The idea of working in a group, self-organized on a self-elected project is what fascinates and motivates me. I am excited to gain more experience about self-contained working in the laboratory. Furthermore I am looking forward for the possibilities of learning new skills, contribute my own ideas and to get the opportunity to gain an insight into synthetic biology. I think iGEM is a unique possibility to do something practical beside the daily university routine, especially for people who are doing their Bachelor studies.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/e/e1/T--TU_Darmstadt--Feodor.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Feodor Belov</b> <br>
Age: 20<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biomolecular Engineering<br>
Semester: 4<br>
Just like some of the team members from the 4. semester I am new to iGEM. Yet I see great opportunities for myself in it, thus being first of all the broadening of my horizons considering laboratory work and practical experience. Nevertheless, I hope for enriching exchange with professors and older students. hose hopes are going into fullfilling. I learn new things every day and my fascination for synthetic biology rises at the same rate.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/60/T--TU_Darmstadt--Isabelle.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Isabelle Marquardt</b> <br>
Age: 19<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biomolecular Engineering<br>
Semester: 4<br>
I am participating in iGEM this year for the first time and looking forward to working independently on our project as well as working with my teammates. I also hope to gain practical experience working in a lab.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/3e/T--TU_Darmstadt--Jennifer.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Jennifer Zimmermann</b> <br>
Age: 21<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biology<br>
Semester: 4<br>
I joined iGEM for the first time this year and I am looking forward to work on a great project. I am excited especially about the independent work and the cooperation with other students from various departments. Furthermore I expect a lot of practical experience in the laboratory and of course fun by the treatment of our project.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b0/T--TU_Darmstadt--Lara.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Lara Steinel</b> <br>
Age: 21<br>
Course of studies: B.Sc. Biology<br>
Semester: 4<br>
I joined iGEM for the first time this year. An especially interesting aspect of this project is the self-organized work in the laboratory on a self-elected project. I am exited to gain more experience concerning planning and working on a biological question. iGEM is unique in the sense that it gives participants the opportunity to gather more practical know-how in addition to regular experiments in the lab. Other than these aspects, team-work is a big part of the competition. This work with others in how to solve a problem, together with team building activities, is a big part why I wanted to help on this years iGEM team.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/3/34/T--TU_Darmstadt--Lisa.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Lisa-Marie Brenner</b> <br>
Age: 23<br>
Studies: M. Sc. BME – Biomolecular Engineering<br>
Semester: 2<br>
During my study I heard a lot about iGEM and so I took this opportunity to be part of the team and work on a self-developed project. In view of my future career I also want to optimize my capacity of independent planning and organization of a project, team work and lab work. I am looking forward to a year full of new experiences, new friendships and a lot of fun!
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/5/53/T--TU_Darmstadt--Patrick.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Patrick Müller</b> <br>
Age: 24<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biomolecular Engineering<br>
Semester: 6<br>
This year is the second time I´m participating the iGEM competition. Thereby I´m planning to pass on my skills acquired as well as improving my own. competencies, on the contrary to last year, mostly in the dry lab. Furthermore, I am looking forward to work with inspiring folks, let´s have an exciting and breathtaking year!
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/db/T--TU_Darmstadt--Sophia.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Sophia Hein</b> <br>
Age: 21<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biomolecular Engineering<br>
Semester: 4<br>
I am joining the iGEM team of the TU Darmstadt for the first time this year. I hope to gain new experience beyond the daily university routine. This includes the self-contained and routinely working in the laboratory. I am looking forward to realise our ideas together with the team, and also to the one or the other excursion beyond the project.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/a/a4/T--TU_Darmstadt--Stefan.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Stefan Zens</b> <br>
Age: 23<br>
Studies: Biomolecular Engineering M.Sc.<br>
Semester: 8<br>
I am participating for the third time already and I am excited about the new project. Last years were a lot of fun and extremely educational. This year, I want to pass on my experience and knowledge to the new students, especially about the practical wet-lab work. I am looking forward to an exciting and hopefully successful project.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/1/16/T--TU_Darmstadt--Sven.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Sven Storch</b> <br>
Age: 23<br>
Studies: M. Sc. BME – Biomolecular Engineering<br>
Semester: 2<br>
During my study I only have the rare opportunity to plan a project by myself. Therefore, I join the iGEM team for the first time to work on a self-developed project. I think this helps me in my future for planning larger laboratory projects.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/7/7f/T--TU_Darmstadt--Till.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Till Zimmermann</b> <br>
Age: 27<br>
Studies: M.Sc. Technical Biology<br>
Semester: 9<br>
I joined the iGEM team because I heared that it’s an amazing experience and it’s a chance to do very high level science with a lot of freedom. The endless possibilities and opportunities in the field of synthetic biology caught my attention and nudged me to participate in our team. I will do my best to apply existing biological knowledge to hopefully solve a scientific problem with other students. I think that this kind of project is really unique and I should not miss it. Participating in a worldwide competition is a unique opportunity to get more experienced in the field of synthetic biology. Reading more about the iGEM competition made me very excited and now I’m a very happy and proud member of our top-notch team. In addition to the lab work, we get to work with students from other departments and learn of other projects from around the world.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/6/63/T--TU_Darmstadt--Tim.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Tim Maier</b> <br>
Age: 23<br>
Studies: B.Sc. BME<br>
Semester: 6<br>
This is my second time in the iGEM competition. Last year I learned a lot not only about methods of molecular biology but also about how to plan laboratory work and adjust it to emerging experimental difficulties. I am pleased to tie up with my expierinces from the last year and I am hoping to be able, together with the whole Team, to build up a framework, in which everybody can learn as much and have fun as much as I did last year.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/b/b8/T--TU_Darmstadt--Viki.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Viktoria Schuster</b> <br>
Age: 22<br>
Studies: B.Sc. Biomolecular Engineering<br>
Semester: 6<br>
In the course of last year's project I developed new skills beyond my expectations concerning not only synthetic biology but also scientific presenting and webdesign. Developing a joint research project frow scratch and working independently to this extent is a special and scarce opportunity amongst students. This year I want pass on my experiences to the new generation of iGEM participants and help by performing a few tasks arising from outside the lab.
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<h4> Technical </h4>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/f/f1/T--TU_Darmstadt--Markus.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Markus Susenburger</b> <br>
Age: 24<br>
Studies: M. Sc. Physik<br>
Semester: 9<br>
If you want to get know the whole IGEM experience, participating once is not enough. That's why I decided to do it again. The outstanding impressions of the last year are still a big motivation to improve my scientific horizon. Even though it is challenging to organise my research on lab automatization and managing a sub project of TU Darmstadt's main project, the reward I am getting is tremendous. Furthermore, connecting with young researchers all over the world is a big chance to open up my point of views.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/d0/T--TU_Darmstadt--Max_W.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Max von Witzleben</b> <br>
Age: 24<br>
Studies: M. Sc. Physics<br>
Semester: 12<br>
iGEM was introduced to me by friends. Their motivation and enthusiasm infected me straight away. As physicists we rarely have contact with the actual problems of synthetic biology. It thrills me to now have the opportunity to do so. Furthermore I like the interdisciplinarity, the team based research, the autonomy of the project and the simple fun while constructing something. This versatility is unknown to me and I am glad to complement my studies with iGEM.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/4/4a/T--TU_Darmstadt--Michelle.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Michelle Zöller</b> <br>
Age: 23<br>
Studies: M.Sc. Biomolecular Engineering <br>
Semester: 2<br>
It is the third time that I am participating in iGEM with the TU Darmstadt. During the first two years, I had the chance to gather many experiences in the lab as well as in planning and organizing an interdisciplinary scientific project. This year, I want to pass on what I have learned to the new students. In Addition to that, I am trying to support the engineering team. The special thing about iGEM for me is the opportunity to work with students from many different disciplines. I am looking forward to a new successful year with the iGEM Team TU Darmstadt.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/9/90/T--TU_Darmstadt--Werner.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Werner Christian Karl Kleindienst</b> <br>
Age: 22<br>
Studies: Biomolecular Engineering (B.Sc.) <br>
Semester: 4<br>
In my first year as a igem member I want to achieve a deeper understanding of synthetic Biology, but also in other disciplines that are connected in the broadest sense. Therefore I decide to join the technology team which design a digital holographic microscope this year. The good thing about this project is that as a student your able to see many different fields of sciens and lern how to manage to work on a big project with higher goal than just to bring a short internship to the end. In the end I also looking forward to meet many new people and become a team which works effectivly.
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2017/d/d5/T--TU_Darmstadt--Zinan.jpeg" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;float:left; width:20%;"> <b>Zinan Liu</b> <br>
Age: 23<br>
Studies: M.Sc. Information and Communication Engineering<br>
Semester: 4<br>
The name iGEM came across at my Information Theory lecture, where the standard biological parts meet information entropy. Curiosity drove me into the Technic Team of iGEM, looking forward to build something cool with our own hands, and to live up to the frontier of interdisciplinarity.
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Revision as of 14:54, 28 October 2017


Team Activities

The 2017 iGEM project was much more than just studying, wet lab work and building a microscope. We had a lot of fun besides the work which contributed to a great year and made our team grow closer together. This makes lab work much more fun, appearing conflicts can be solved more easily and a lot of new friendships have been built. We all learned from each other: the physics students got an introduction to synthetic biology, the biology students got in touch with programming, new students learned from more experienced students and vice versa. But scroll down and see what we did during the 2017 iGEM year!

Project Monitoring

Our iGEM team has a lot of team members and as most of you probably know, team work is not always easy. That’s why we decided to have a project monitoring team. It means that we have people supporting us during working processes and help us to optimize specific routines. Our team organized team building events, workshops about scientific skills which are useful for our scientific career and furthermore. Our project monitors are students who are working in different biological research fields but are also trained to support interdisciplinary teams and have experiences with different team projects. Project monitoring exonerates the team coordination and helps to re-focus again in stressful situations, helps to mediate in conflicts and try to improve our qualities as a team.