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Agenda 28.06.17
Agenda 28.06.17
Presentation and feedback
<b>Presentation and feedback</b> <br>
2 - Summary of the sfGFP sequence alignments
Currently our sfGFP DNA sequence doesn't seem to exist in the registry. This
<b>Summary of the sfGFP sequence alignments</b><br>
means we can submit it if I'm not mistaken? As a modified or new part?
- Currently our sfGFP DNA sequence doesn't seem to exist in the registry. This
Talk to Sandra in regards to what parts need to be used, and if she has any
means we can submit it if I'm not mistaken? As a modified or new part?<br>
-Talk to Sandra in regards to what parts need to be used, and if she has any
terminators or promoters that can be useful to submit. S. Pombe is slightly
terminators or promoters that can be useful to submit. S. Pombe is slightly
different from S. Cerevisiae after all. Should cover most bases on parts?
different from S. Cerevisiae after all. Should cover most bases on parts?
Amino acid alignments necessary. Someone needs to do this asap. Not fun, but
- Amino acid alignments necessary. Someone needs to do this asap. Not fun, but
necessary. <br>
3 - Meeting with OsloTech tomorrow
3 - Meeting with OsloTech tomorrow
What to do, what to expect? What can we ask for? Oslo Innovation Week?
What to do, what to expect? What can we ask for? Oslo Innovation Week?

Revision as of 19:57, 31 October 2017

-Hey Elisabeth! New (bio)-physicist. Starting master next semester. Can also take responsiblity of social media.
-Most of us is done with the presentation-part. Elisabeth and Hilde posted about the presentation on social media.
-Apparently Hilde volunteered to take minutes, she will continue to do this.

-Presentation practice on Wedensday. Eirik, Aman and Tharald will be presenting, they will schedule a time.
-Eirik will fix the presentation (PP)
-Start to perpare, or at least have it on our minds, for future presentation. Selling point, make sure it make sense for non-bio-people, this is important stuff to think about.

-Remember: Always two people at the lab due to security and help.

-Nobody had time to contact the previus teams since last meeting.
-Contact Denmark, they have one optimized for yeast, probably one for E.coli as well. (Adel will do this) Make sure Eric reads through before we contact them
-Contact Cambrigde - they have two different parts. (Adel will do this). Same as above.
-Take the biobrick we already have and use that. (Eirik will take a look at it?)

-We haven’t done anything yet. Hilde will contact Joakim when she is done with her home exam.

For next meeting (Monday 18:15)
-Group picture for social media.
-Thinking about social stuff we can do togheter?
-Went very well, got two new members!
-Hi Kristina and Hallvard!
-22. may new presentation?

-We should contact potential sponsors
-Elisabeth will talk to Max about what the 2016-team did.
-Make sure they know what iGEM is, that should make it easier.
-Find out how we will ”sell” our project. We need a good pitch around 7 minutes.
-Oslotech - potential help to point out sponsors.
-Check out if iGEM have some simple slides we can use.

-Eirik are looking at biobricks
-Hilde is trying to figure out the physics stuff, are meeting Joakim hopefully next week.
-Adel did send out request for biobricks: problem with cambridge, no active student - sent to supervisor. Also sent out to Copenhagen, to the supervisor.
-Nordic iGEM conferance in late june? Three days, Fri-Sun

-Trying to find from other teams
-There is stuff in the lab right now
-We have last years as well
-Make list of what we use from other teams, and other stuff we are judged on. - What concentration to we need? - test differnt concentrations.

-We need to start to talk to Science Libary, they can help us to get started. (Aman)

-We want to socialize! Barbeque in the next couple of weeks?

- Next meeting will be on Wednesday due to Easter
- EVERYONE: Go through the jugding list, so we know what we need to do.
- Hilde: Shcedule with Joakim so he can meet us on Wednesday after 16.
- EVERYONE: Start to think about how we can ”sell” our project.
- Elisabeth: Look at sponsors and talk to Max
- Aman: Talk to Kirsten about the wiki, someone at the Science Libary can help us.
Weekly updates from everyone
-Not much

-Hilde to talk with Joachim tomorrow.
-Talk with Athanasios. Want to start as soon as humanly possible.

-if (replyFromCambridge == true) {
useThatPart = true;
} else {
2016 GFP part += Histidine tag

Nordic iGEM conference, set to 9th-11th June
-Fucking terrible timing. >=[
-Seems accommodations might be covered; they're still working on this.
-Travel expenses will not be covered, however.
-Start planning something as soon as possible.

Wiki workshop
-Kirsten sent us a message on slack in regards to learning to operate the wiki.
-Vote over date.

Social stuff?
-Have a get-together soon, perhaps this weekend?

-Talk to OsloTech
-Plan GFP-experiments
- look at how to catalogue existing parts
- make a sympa list for this years iGEM team
New members! Welcome!
- Helloooo to you guys! Eirik will invite you to Slack, you need to sign up to the iGEM page to be a part of the team.
- One of the team has gotten really sick, feel better soon!

Weekly updates from everyone
-Eirik: research on Biolaser. In contact with Trondheim as well, maybe a Norwegian meetup?
-Hilde: Talked to Joakim, stressed with school stuff, looking into how to solve the physics part. Made a mailing list.
-Kristina: Looking into the handbook. Got two new members!
-Aman: Read some laser stuff. Wiki-workshop the 8th of May.
-Adel: Talked to Cambridge and Copenhagen, Prof. Chris Workman (DTU, Copenhagen) to check his Lab for finding previous iGEM parts (Yeast-optimized GFP variants & maybe Ecoli version)

Laser and GFP - update
-We need some mirrors, Eirik an Hilde will look at this next Tuesday(? gonna schedule on slack if anybody else wanna join). We have some options but life is easier if we are able to get the mirrors soon.
-Still looking at parts.
-Yay - we got our kit!
-Concerns around photobleach - we can use pulses and visible light, so shouldn’t be a problem.
-We have some concerns, but will look into it when we have time. Regarding dye that is not GFP.
-Gonna look into lab work when we know more about our concerns, maybe some lab next week?

Nordic iGEM conference June 9th-11th
-Bad timing for everyone. Everyone has exams. Eirik will tell them this.

Sponsoring, outreach, social media
-Eirik talked to Elisabeth (she is sick today - feel better soon!). She will talk to Oslotech.
-Eirik and Hilde will look somewhat into sponsoring next week regarding the mirrors.
-We need a pitch!! Feel free to help Elisabeth with this.
-What it is the cost maybe?
-Hilde will try to contact a guy she knows.
- Dejana will try to contact Ana Kucera?

Social stuff
-Try do figure something out on Slack? Early June? Eat dinner together at Fredrikke some time since we all will basically live on Blindern, bbq maybe?
- Fredagspub this Friday with some other iGEM team.

-Change the regular meeting time? Which day are people free at 4 pm?
Hilde: Monday, some Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Kristina: Not Friday
Aman: Tuesday is best,
Adel: Not Tuesday
Eirik: Not Wednesday
Dejana & Can: all except Monday
Thing will probably be easier in a couple of weeks
Agenda 09.05.17
New member!
-Say hello to Elena!

Updates; what have people been doing the last week?

Starting labwork asap
- A lot of the theory necessary to start is done. We should try to get to the lab as soon as possible.
- Can we do it this week? Who has time?
-Initial plans are just E.Coli-transformation with GFP.

Project plan overall

-Supervisors have a meeting this Thursday, we need to get a basic experimental setup down (ref: Dirk), preferably with references to explain why we're doing what we're doing. Need to sit down and make this asap.

Activity logging
-There's a notebook-function in the iGEM wiki where we can note down what we've done each week. -It's recommended that we use this each week so that we know who has been doing what. Easy to set up (we can just copy-paste some tables).

-Anything more on this?

- Plz

Agenda 16.05.17
Weekly updates from everyone; what have you been doing?

Labwork has started; the more help the better!
-Please inform when you're free to join in the lab. This goes for everyone, the more available hands the better, even though you don't have prior lab experience.
-Plan thus far:
Thursday 16.30: short day
Friday 10.00: long day
Monday: 10.00: long day(?)
Tuesday 10.00: long day

Plan for meeting the competition goals
-Eric pointed out that we need a plan on how to reach individual goals for the competition. We should make this asap. Will probably take some time, but we need to have a sit-down and do it. When's a good time?
-As many as possible should participate, and everyone needs to be prepared for such a meeting (i.e. read the goals and think about how we can reach them).
Make a pitch for sponsors
- Someone needs to take responsibility for this.

New member(s)!
-Say hello to Helene! And, Elena, to those who haven't met her yet.

Updates; what have people been doing the last week?
- Eirik - talked to NTNU, maybe meetup this summer? Attended lab, read some articles
- Aman - Looked at Wiki stuff
- Adel - Attended lab,
- Dejana - Attended lab, calculating,
- Hilde - fixed the calendar, added people to mailinglist and stuff
- Elisabeth - Looked at mirror stuff with Hilde and realized we needed one more person
- Helene - joined the team!
- Dirk - Supervisor meeting

Labwork; progress
- We have a GFP - sample that should work, it is not completely pure, but should work.
- Now we need to go to the laser parts.

Project plan overall
-We need to read the criteria and make plan, at least the biobricks, people have exams.

Wiki and Activity logging
- Use wiki as a journal for the labwork. We can add pictures, we should also design a logo.
-Aman can help us. Please look at previous wiki or other webpage so we can brainstorm for the design.

- Elisabeth and Eirik will finalize a pitch, and then Elisabeth will go to people after her final exam (15th of june).
- Carl Zeiss AS, is maybe a company we can contact.
- Maybe we don’t need to wait for a sponsor for getting a mirror. Give a number to Dirk and maybe we can order some.

Meeting with CEES / updates on yeast lab?
- We will make a doodle, deadline for answering is tomorrow. We will need to pitch a plan for them before we can start.

- Done

- Make plan for the judging criteria
- Go to the CEES lab, schedule it
- Can we make an easier laser, just switch out the light in the middle with the sample?
- Talking about lasers and stuff: contact Oddmund Bakke for equipment to cannibalize
- Delft printed biofilm and stuff; make things affordable is a good idea
- Create project plan by flowchart:
figure out what we actually need, building a project with the different parts in mind
make it stepwise
Basic steps most important
Tie it in to the judging / medal criteria
Compare the superfolded GFP we used to the parts that are in the registry.
Agenda 19.06.17
- Can we use just plain LED light or do we need, we need to look at what kind of GFP we have
What have we been doing?
- Eirik: Have been talking to Dirk and Eric, have had exams.
- Dejana and Can (head of Labwork) can take responsibilty for the bio-stuff.
- Elisabeth is "responsible" for human practices
- The physicists can manage the physics stuff.

- We will have a presentation on June 30th. There gonna be a sponsering potential from that presentation. Can will be helping, try to show up - not all have to talk but it is positive if everyone try to show up.
- There wil be trialrun next Wedensday at 17.00 (28th) we will have this with a weekly meeting. Remember to add it to the calendar!
- We need to fix a GFP biobrick. And fix the GFP for yeast. Good for medal criteria. Every single genetic bio unit, is a part. (Like a promoter)
- We need to figure out the GFP sequence, and we need to look at the iGEM registry to see if someone has the same. REMEMBER TO DOCUMENT THIS, post it on wiki.
- Two deadlines is coming up; safty forms and description. Talk to Sandra regarding safty forms for the yeast part. Maybe for laser if we end up using a laser (Maybe Elisabeth can talk to Joakim regarding this tomorrow?).
- Eirik and Hilde will look at the project description.
- Travel visas: We should fix this asap. Do this by the end of the week? Post on Slack when you have done it? iGEM can provide documentation if needed. CHECK YOUR PASSPORT - maybe it expiers and you need a new one.
- Visa application (Norwegian): http://www.esta.us/norsk.html
- Use slack for communication.
- We need to update the social media channels!
- Meetup with NTNU - maybe in Trondheim sometime in the first week of August. Maybe bad timing? Make a doodle.
- Make a short bio about ourself and send to it Aman. He will make a format and we will use that.
- If you do not have access to the calendar talk to Hilde (give her an email she can add).
Agenda 28.06.17 Presentation and feedback
Summary of the sfGFP sequence alignments
- Currently our sfGFP DNA sequence doesn't seem to exist in the registry. This means we can submit it if I'm not mistaken? As a modified or new part?
-Talk to Sandra in regards to what parts need to be used, and if she has any terminators or promoters that can be useful to submit. S. Pombe is slightly different from S. Cerevisiae after all. Should cover most bases on parts? - Amino acid alignments necessary. Someone needs to do this asap. Not fun, but necessary.
3 - Meeting with OsloTech tomorrow What to do, what to expect? What can we ask for? Oslo Innovation Week? Need to put particular focus on the laser setup, as that's the biggest roadblock right now. Other sponsors are also relevant. What else do we need? Mol.bio-stuff? 4 - Script Can and Aman made a really nifty script for searching through the parts distributions and finding parts with relevant keywords. Is put up on git, could be useful to develop further and talk to other teams about it. Perhaps this is something we could collaborate with another team on? 5 - Mol.bio-work Finalize things with Sandra, then start asap. We also need to make some sort of plan for the InterLab. 6 - Misc?