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<h1>Project description</h1>
<p>Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) and Bacillus sphaericus(BS)are naturally existed bacterial that could be extracted from dirt, insect body, unclean water et al. Both of them are applied widely as biological larvicides over urban areas as they target specific insects and do not contaminate the environment. Cry protein family usually form during Bti spore-forming process. Cry4Ba is one of the studied crystal toxin protein that could combine with mosquito larvae midgut epithelia causing midgut to decay thus Aedes mosquito death. Mosquitocidal toxin 1 (Mtx1) protein form at BS trophophase stage. After eaten by mosquito larvae, Mtx protein would decomposed into peptided which leads to morphological change in mosquito larvae cells.  </p>
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<p>A variety of mixed toxic proteins could delay the emergence and development of insecticide resistance. BS is easy to make the target pests develop resistance, mainly due to single factor genetic resistance. Such resistance cases was already reported in France, India, Brazil, China and other countries around the worldTraditional insecticide resistance management strategies include rotation and blending of Bti with Bs, and new strategies include synthetic biology aim to expand toxin diversity against mosquito larvae to avoid the emergence of larvecide resistance. </p>
<p>We believe that our research could ease the mosquito born disease burden  through genetically mix different mosquito toxin protein which not only add to the field of synthetic biology, but also help with larvecide resistance management through the implementation of scientific rigor to the process of creating new type to larvecide for insecticide industry. Our goal is to create a genetic modified mosquito larvae toxin and test for adaptation to mosquito breading sites in local environmentsThe timeline above outlines major work done to achieve our goals. </p>
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<h3>OUR WORK</h3>
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<p>Bs mainly target culex mosquitoes, while Bti exibits strong killing effect against Aedes mosquitoes. However, if they work together in one system, the efficiency of both the two protein can improve significantly. Because of that, we decided to build up a system which consist of these two proteins based on synthetic biology. So as to ensure that we can get purified protein, we used E.coli as our bio-chasis to synthesize these proteins and applied them in toxicity test. For there had been many bio-bricks from Cry family in iGEM, the new part Mtx1 we introduced into the biobricks in our project may be applied to strengthen the efficiency of former parts of Cry.</p>
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<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Michigan"> 2014 Michigan</a></li>
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<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:SCU-China"> 2014 SCU-China </a></li>
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Revision as of 14:46, 24 September 2017



Bs mainly target culex mosquitoes, while Bti exibits strong killing effect against Aedes mosquitoes. However, if they work together in one system, the efficiency of both the two protein can improve significantly. Because of that, we decided to build up a system which consist of these two proteins based on synthetic biology. So as to ensure that we can get purified protein, we used E.coli as our bio-chasis to synthesize these proteins and applied them in toxicity test. For there had been many bio-bricks from Cry family in iGEM, the new part Mtx1 we introduced into the biobricks in our project may be applied to strengthen the efficiency of former parts of Cry.

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