Lab Support
We had the following amazing PhD and Honours students aiding our project.
Yanwei Ma
Yanwei is a PhD student in the Coleman lab. She kindly provided us the plasmid for Bacillus expression pUS258 and the protocol for Bacillus transformation, as well as assisting with our transformations into Bacillus. She was very supportive of our team both in and out of the lab!
Mark Somerville
Mark is a PhD student in the Coleman lab. In his role as an advisor for our project, Mark helped us troubleshoot many of our experiments and master new techniques, as well as teaching us the ins and outs of working in the Coleman lab. Mark’s experience as a member of the 2015 iGEM team was invaluable to us throughout the project, and the support he gave us is greatly appreciated.
iGEM 2016 Team
The 2016 team gave us great advice and support throughout the project.