- NodC, NodB, CDApuc and ChiA
Notebook and Methods
2017-04-24 - 2017-04-30
Generally labwork
Superior experiment: Ordering sequences
2017-05-01 - 2017-05-07
Generelly labwork
Superior experiment: Cloning via GoldenBraid assembly
- Cloning NodC, NodB, CDApuc and ChiA into the pUPD vector
2017-05-29 - 2017-06-04
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Cloning chiA into pSB1C3
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Cloning nodC into pSB1K3
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodC and pSB1K3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1K3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1K3-Anderson-nodC into Top10
- Over-night cultures of pSB1K3-Anderson-nodC
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Cloning nodB into pSB1K3, transformation into Top10, evaluation
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodB and pSB1K3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1K3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1K3-Anderson-nodB and pUPD-Anderson-CDApuc into Top10 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1K3-Anderson-nodB and pUPD-Anderson-CDApuc
2017-06-05 - 2017-06-11
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Cloning AraC-chiA into pSB1C3, transformation into Top10, evaluation
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-chiA with Nhe1 and Pst1, pSB1C3-AraC with Spe1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3-AraC
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3-AraC-chiA into Top10 via heat-shock
- colonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3-AraC-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3-AraC-chiA
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Cloning nodC into pSB1C3 and pSB1C3-AraC
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1K3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1K3-Anderson-nodC into Top10
- ColonyPCR
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Evaluation of transformation, retransformation
- Gelelectrophoresis of colonyPCR product
- Repeating the colonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodB and pUPD-Anderson-CDApuc
- Retransformation of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodB and pUPD-Anderson-CDApuc into Top10
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodB
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
- No insert was found
2017-06-12 - 2017-06-18
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Cloning chiA into pSB1C3
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA into Top10 via heat-shock
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Sequencing of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
- Glycerol stocks were made of positive pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC colonies
- Glycerol stocks were made of positive pSB1C3-AraC-nodC colonies
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Cloning nodB in pSB1C3, transformation into Top10
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodB and pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3
- PCR clean-up to
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-nodB into Top10 via heat-shock
- No colony was successful
- Cloning nodB into pSB1K3
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodB and pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3
- PCR clean-up to
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-nodB into Top10 via heat-shock
2017-06-19 - 2017-06-25
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Evaluation of transformation
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3-AraC-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3-AraC-chiA
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Evaluation of transformation, GoldenBraid assembly and DNA-preparation
- Several colonyPCRs were done
- Several gelelectrophoresis
- They showed that the colonyPCRs did not work properly
- GoldenBrain assembly
- Cloning Anderson-CDApuc in pUPD
- Transforming the pUPD-Anderson-CDApuc into Top10 via heat-shock
- Plasmid extraction of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodB and pSB1K3-Anderson-nodB via Mini-prep Kit
2017-06-26 - 2017-07-02
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Gaining more of the construct pSB1C3-AraC-chiA
- Retransforming pSB1C3-AraC-chiA into Top10 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3-AraC-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Sequencing and cloning nodB in pSB1C3 without promotor
- Plasmid extraction of pUPD-Anderson-CDApuc via Mini-prep Kit and sequencing
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodB with Pst1
- PCR clean-up
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodB with Pst1 again
- Ligation of nodB and pSB1C3 with T4 Ligase
2017-07-03 - 2017-07-09
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Transformation of pSB1C3-AraC-chiA into BL21
- Transforming pSB1C3-AraC-chiA into BL21 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-AraC-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Cloning nodC into pSb1K3, pSB1C3 and pSB1C3-AraC, transformation in Top10
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodC with Xba1 and Pst1
- Digesting pSB1K3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Gelelectrophoresis and gelextraction
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodC with Xba1 and Pst1
- Digesting pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Gelelectrophoresis and gelextraction
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodC with Xba1 and Pst1
- Digesting pSb1C3-AraC with Spe1 and Pst1
- Gelelectrophoresis and gelextraction
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1K3-Anderson-nodC, pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC into Top10 via heat-shock
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Transformation pSB1C3-nodB, evaluation and cloning CDApuc into pSB1C3 and pSB1K3 without promotor
- Transforming the pSB1C3-nodB into Top10 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-nodB
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-nodB
- Plasmid extraction of pSB1C3-nodB via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
- Transforming the pSB1C3-CDApuc, pSB1K3-CDApuc, pSB1C3-Anderson-CDApuc and pSB1K3-Anderson-CDApuc into Top10 via heat-shock
- Plasmid extraction of pSB1C3-CDApuc and pSB1K3-CDApuc via Mini-prep Kit
- Transforming the pSB1C3-nodB into Top10 via heat-shock
2017-07-10 - 2017-07-16
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Detection of Chitinase A1 via SDS-Page
- Induction with arabinose at OD=0.6
- Taking sample1 before induction
- Taking sample2 three hours after induction
- Taking sample3 24 hours after induction
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Evaluation
- colonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC, pSB1C3-AraC-nodC and empty BL21
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Cloning nodB in pSB1K3
- Digesting pSB1C3-nodB and pSB1K3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1K3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming the pSB1K3-nodB into Top10
2017-07-17 - 2017-07-23
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Detection of Chitinase A1 via SDS-Page
- Induction with arabinose at OD=0.6
- Taking sample1 before induction
- Taking sample2 three hours after induction
- Taking sample3 24 hours after induction
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
- A SDS-Page was performed
- Transforming pSB1C3-AraC-chiA into Top10 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-AraC-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Detection of Chitin-Synthase NodC via SDS-Page
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Evaluation
- ColonyPCR of pSB1K3-Anderson-nodB
- Plasmid extraction of pSB1C3-Anderson-CDApuc, pSB1K3-Anderson-CDApuc and pSB1C3-CDApuc via Mini-prep Kit
- Restriction digestion and gelelectrophoresis of pSB1C3-Anderson-CDApuc, pSB1K3-Anderson-CDApuc and pSB1C3-CDApuc
2017-07-24 - 2017-07-30
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Transformation in BL21, detection of Chitinase A1 via SDS-Page
- Transforming pSB1C3-AraC-chiA into BL21 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-AraC-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-AraC-chiA and empty BL21 cells
- Induction with arabinose at OD=0.6
- Taking sample1 before induction
- Taking sample2 three hours after induction
- Taking sample3 24 hours after induction
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
- It showed the expected band at 46,5 kDa
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Transformation in BL21, detection of Chitin synthase via SDS-Page
- Induction with arabinose at OD=0.6
- Taking sample1 before induction
- Taking sample2 three hours after induction
- Taking sample3 six hours after induction
- Taking sample4 the next day
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Evaluation of ColonyPCR of pSB1K3-Anderson-nodB and detection of Chitin Deacetylase NodB via SDS-Page
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep kit and sequencing,
- Glycerol stocks of pSB1K3-Anderson-nodB were made
- No induction needed as the Anderson-promotor is constitutive
- Taking sample1 at OD=0.6
- Taking sample2 three hours later
- Taking sample3 six hours later
- Taking sample4 24 hours later
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
2017-07-31 - 2017-08-06
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Cloning chiA into pSB1C3-Anderson in order to delete the point mutation
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA into Top10 via heat-shock
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Detection of Chitin synthase NodC via SDS-Page
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Detection of Chitin Deacetylase NodB via SDS-Page
2017-08-07 - 2017-08-13
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Evaluation of transformation
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Transformation in BL21, detection of Chitin-Synthase via SDS-Page
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC into BL21 via heat-shock
- Induction with arabinose at OD=0.6
- Taking sample1 before induction
- Taking sample2 three hours after induction
- Taking sample3 six hours after induction
- Taking sample4 the next day
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Detection of Chitin Deacetylase NodB via SDS-Page and transformation into BL21
- Transforming pUPD-nodB into BL21 cells
- The pUPD vector does contain the T7-promotor sequence, which was not used before
- pUPD-T7-nodB is used for detection because the T7-promotor is inducible with IPTG
2017-08-14 - 2017-08-20
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Cloning chiA into pSB1C3-Anderson in order to delete the point mutation
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA into Top10 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Detection of Chitin synthase via SDS-Page
- Induction with arabinose at OD=0.6
- Taking sample1 before induction
- Taking sample2 three hours after induction
- Taking sample3 six hours after induction
- Taking sample4 the next day
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
Chitin Deacetylases
Superior experiment: Detection of Chitin Deacetylase NodB via SDS-Page
- Induction with IPTG at OD=0.6
- Taking sample1 before induction
- Taking sample2 three hours later
- Taking sample3 six hours later
- Taking sample4 24 hours later
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
- It showed the expected band at 23 kDa
2017-08-21 - 2017-08-27
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Cloning chiA into pSB1C3-Anderson, transformation in Top10
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA into Top10 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Gelelektrophoresis
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Detection of Chitin synthase via SDS-Page
- Induction with arabinose at OD=0.6
- Taking sample1 before induction
- Taking sample2 three hours after induction
- Take sample3 six hours after induction
- Take sample4 the next day
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
- Media tested: LB, TB and SOC
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC
2017-08-28 - 2017-09-03
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Cloning chiA into pSB1C3-Anderson, transformation into Top10, evaluation and sequencing
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-chiA and pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Gelelektrophoresis and gelextraction
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA into Top10
- ColonyPCR
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Cell-growth test and SDS-Page
- Media tested: LB, TB and SOC
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC
- tracing cell-growth over 48 hours
- Induction with arabinose at OD=0.6
- Taking sample1 before induction
- Taking sample2 three hours after induction
- Taking sample3 six hours after induction
- Taking sample4 the next day
- Store samples at -20 degree Celsius
2017-09-04 - 2017-09-10
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: SDS-Page and mutagenesis PCR
- Site-directed-mutagenesis: His-Tag to pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC
2017-09-11 - 2017-09-17
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Mutagenesis PCR, SDS-Page, retransformation of Site-directed mutagenesis products into BL21
- Phosphorylation of mutagenesis PCR batch
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- DPN1 digestion
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC-His and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC-His into Top10 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC-His and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC-His
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC-His and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC-His into BL21 via heat-shock
- colonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC-His and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC-His
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC-His and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC-His
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
2017-09-18 - 2017-09-24
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Preparation of SDS-Page
2017-09-25 - 2017-10-01
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Mutagenesis PCR, transformation and evaluation via sequencing
- PCR with primers for mutagenesis PCR
- Phosphorylation of mutagenesis PCR batch
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- DPN1 digestion
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA into Top10 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Over-night culture of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Protein purification
- Disruption of cells via high pressure
- ultracentrifuge to separate cell components
- Purification via ÄKTA
- A SDS-PAGE of the fractions was performed
2017-10-02 - 2017-10-08
Chitinase A1
Superior experiment: Mutagenesis PCR, transformation and evaluation via sequencing
- PCR with primers for mutagenesis PCR
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- DPN1 digestion
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA into Top10 via heat-shock
- ColonyPCR of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Gelelectrophoresis
- Overnightculture of pSB1C3-Anderson-chiA
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Verificate the functionality of NodC
- Buffer exchange via PD10 columns
- UPDTM Glycosyltransferase Assay from Promega
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodC with Xba1 and Pst1
- Digesting pSB1C3 with Xba1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Digesting pUPD-Anderson-nodC with Nhe1 and Pst1
- Digesting pSB1C3-AraC with Spe1 and Pst1
- Dephosphorylating the backbone pSB1C3-AraC
- Ligation with T4 Ligase
- Transforming pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC into Top10 via heat-shock
- Over-night cultures of pSB1C3-Anderson-nodC and pSB1C3-AraC-nodC
- Plasmid extraction via Mini-prep-kit and sequencing
2017-10-09 - 2017-10-15
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Verificate the functionality of NodC
- Repetition of UDPTM Glycosyltransferase Assay twice
2017-10-16 - 2017-10-22
Chitin Synthase
Superior experiment: Verificate the functionality of NodC
- Repetition of UDPTM Glycosyltransferase Assay
- A thin-layer-chromatography for verification of chitin