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Light Harvester


  With the rising of the world population and the higher average lifespan resulting from the development of science and technology, more energy is required to meet people’s growing demand. However, existing mineral resources on the earth, mainly known as coals, oil and gas, are limited and non-renewable. In order to solve this dilemma, we must find ways to obtain green energy resources with the assistance of modern technology to maintain sustainable development.

  As the basis of all living beings, photosynthesis is a process to synthesize inorganic substance into organics,and oxygen or hydrogen is produced simultaneously. Compared to photovoltaic, which is regarded as its strong opponent, photosynthetic organisms have the ability to synthesize organics through self-duplication and self-renewal. However, their photosynthetic efficiency is much lower than that of photovoltaic. So our project aims to improve efficiency of the photoreaction by expanding the absorption spectrum of photosynthetic bacteria(Rhodobacter sphaeroides).

  Hydrogen, the byproduct coming from the photosynthesis of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, is a kind of clean energy which can be used by human. Nevertheless, we can’t take advantage of this purple bacteria to produce hydrogen on a large scale due to the lack of photobioreactor with purple bacteria, as well as the contradiction between illuminant inside and mixing performance. That’s why we choose this subject: to design an illuminant agitator blade to solve the contradiction mentioned above. The illuminant agitator blade will also act as a bioreactor which can collect hydrogen effectively.What’s more, photosynthetic growth of the purple bacteria is an aerobic process while it is oxygen intolerance during the process of producing hydrogen. This contradiction will be solved by piping the oxygen and inactive gas into the cycle system .