Team:TU Darmstadt/team/activities


Team Activities

The 2017 iGEM project was much more than just studying, wet lab work and building a microscope. We had a lot of fun besides the work which contributed to a great year and made our team grow closer together. This makes lab work much more fun, appearing conflicts can be solved more easily and a lot of new friendships have been built. We all learned from each other: the physics students got an introduction to synthetic biology, the biology students got in touch with programming, new students learned from more experienced students and vice versa. But scroll down and see what we did during the 2017 iGEM year!

Project Monitoring

Our iGEM team has a lot of team members and as most of you probably know, team work is not always easy. That’s why we decided to have a project monitoring team. It means that we have people supporting us during working processes and help us to optimize specific routines. Our team organized team building events, workshops about scientific skills which are useful for our scientific career and furthermore. Our project monitors are students who are working in different biological research fields but are also trained to support interdisciplinary teams and have experiences with different team projects. Project monitoring exonerates the team coordination and helps to re-focus again in stressful situations, helps to mediate in conflicts and try to improve our qualities as a team.