Esterases and Lipases
- Transformation of BBa_K1149002 and BBa_K1149003
- Single colonies (BBa_K1149002 and BBa_K1149003) are plated on agar plates and incubated at 37 °C over night
- Growing of a single colony (BBa_K1149002 and BBa_K1149003) in 5 mL LB media + chloramphenicol (35 µg/mL) at 37 °C
- Preparation of miniprep (Jena Biosciences Kit) and glycerol stock (storage: -80 °C) (BBa_K1149002 and BBa_K1149003)
- SOC media preparation
- Transformation pet19-LipB
- Preparation: preliminary test of esterase assay with EstCS2: Bba_K1149002 - preparation of o/n cultures (37°C)
- Preparation: preliminary test of esterase assay with EstCS2: Bba_K1149002 - glycerol stocks and induction with arabinose
- Preliminary test of esterase assay with EstCS2: Bba_K1149002 (link results)
- Transformation of LipB into Zymo Research competent mix and go cells
- Preparation of LB medium and new agar plates
- Single colonies of LipB are plated on agar plates and incubated at 37 °C over night
- Preparation of electro-competent cells
- Growing of a single colony (LipB) in 5 mL LB media + chloramphenicol (35 µg/mL) at 37°C
- Transformation/electroporation with iGEM competent cells test kit DNA (o/n incubation, 37°C - transformation failed)
- Transformation/electroporation with pUC19 plasmid (o/n incubation, 37°C - transformation failed)
- Enzyme activity assay (cell pellet and supernatant) with BBa_K1149002 and pet19-LipB
- Preparation of chemo-competent cells
- Transformation with iGEM competent cells test kit DNA and pUC19 plasmid (o/n incubation, 37°C) - transformation successful
- Calculation - efficiency of the chemo-competent cells/pUC19: efficiency E =(56cfu/0.001ng)*1000ng/(µL)=5.6*((10)^7 )cfu/µL
- Preparation InterLab study - transformation of 8 parts into DH5alph E. coli cells
19.09.17 – 21.09.17
- InterLab study LUDOX measurement
- Enzyme activity assay with BBa_K1149002 of the supernatant - measurement in biological triplicates
- InterLab study Fluorescein measurement
- Preparation PCR Purification Lipase:
- prtE-f4: 1410 bp
- prtF_f5: 1691 bp
- LARD_f2: 683 bp
- prtD_f3: 683 bp
- LARD_f2: 683 bp
- pBAD_f1: 1660 bp
- InterLab study sample measurement (link results)
27.09.17 - 29.09.17
- Enzyme activity assay with pet19-LipB of the supernatant - measurement in biological triplicates
- Collaboration iGEM team Heidelberg: preparation mutagenesis plasmid activity assay - preparation of media, antibiotic-stocks and sugar-stocks + agar plates with different antibiotics
- Collaboration iGEM team Heidelberg: preparation of different cultures + induction of the cells with arabinose (o/n incubation, 37°C)
- Collaboration iGEM team Heidelberg: spread the o/n cultures on prepared agar plates (o/n incubation, 37°C)
- Gibson Assembly of LipB in psB1C3 backbone
- PCR - amplification of LipB - cloning of LipB in the iGEM standard plasmid (BBa_K1149002 is used)
- PCR - amplification of BBa_K1149002 (without EstCS2)
- SDS page, Gibson Assembly, Transformation (Zymos) - cloning of LipB in the iGEM standard plasmid (BBa_K1149002 is used)
- 5x pelB LipB with 5ml LB over night at 37°C
- Miniprep (Jena Bioscience Kit)
- Induction of enzyme expression for the enzyme activity assay for the Gibson Assembly (PelB-LipB), LipB in iGEM standard plasmid (BBa_K1149002 is used)
- Sequencing of the Gibson Assembly (PelB-LipB)
- Enzyme activity assay (PelB-LipB), LipB in iGEM standard plasmid (BBa_K1149002 is used)
- OD600 determination of Lipase TliA
- Colony PCR of the Gibson Assembly product (PelB-LipB), SDS-PAGE
- Transformation of kerUS (BBa_K1498000)
- Preparation of antibiotic stock solutions: chloramphenicol (35 mg/mL) and ampicillin (100 mg/mL)
- Growing of a single colony (kerUS (BBa_K1498000)) in 5 mL LB media chloramphenicol (35 µg/mL) at 37 °C
- Single colonies are plated on agar plates and incubated at 37 °C over night
- Growing of a single colony (BBa_K1149002 and BBa_K1149003) in 5 mL LB media + chloramphenicol (35 µg/mL) at 37 °C
- Transfer of BBa_K1498000 into glycerin culture and storage at -80° freezer
- Preparation of: miniprep (Jena Biosciences Kit)and glycerol stock (kerUS (BBa_K1498000))
- Transformation of three promotors: BBa_J23102, BBa_J2314 and BB-K206000
- Transformation of three promotors: BBa_J23102, BBa_J2314 and BB-K206000 again, after nothing grew on the agar plates
- Competent cell test - not succesfull
- Preparing LB (5ml tubes) and (chemical) competent cells (link prtokoll openwetware)
- preparing primer for overlapping PCR to get restriction sides to kerP: -> preparing and dilute, following IDT protocols.
PCR-cycler conditions:
Step | Cycles | Temperature | Time |
Denaturation | 98°C | 30 sec | |
Annealing | 35 | 68°C | 30 sec |
Elongation | 72°C | 30 sec | |
final extension | 1 | 72°C | 2 min |
hold | 4-10°C |
- PCR-Purification with JenaBioScience-kit
- Ligation: Digest kerP/pSB1K3, kerP + linearizied plasmid backbone pSB1K3
- Transformation of three promotors: BBa_J23102, BBa_J2314 and BB-K206000 again into Zymo Research Competent mix and go cells this time, after nothing grew on the agar plates
- New transformation of three promotors: BBa_J23102, BBa_J2314 and BB-K206000 again into Zymo Research Competent mix and go on new agar plates from 24.8.17
- Preparation of electro-competent cells
- Preparation of electro-competent cells
- Preparation of new agar plates with Ampicilline and Chloramphenicole
- preculturing E.coli for electroporethic competent cell assay
- Single colonies of promotor (BB_K206000) are plated on agar plates and incubated at 37 °C over night ( other promotors didn’t grow again)
- Transformation of KerA and KerUS on pSB1C3 vector from Canada into Zymo competent mix and go cells (KeratinaseA: BBa_K1717000 , KeratinaseUS: BBa_K1717173)
- Single colonies of (KeratinaseA: BBa_K1717000 , KeratinaseUS: BBa_K1717173) are plated on agar plates and incubated at 37 °C
- Growing of a single colony (BBa_K206000) in 5 mL LB media + ampicilline (100 µg/mL) at 37°C
- Transformation of psB1K3-KerP
- Repeat Ligation with another backbone: Digest kerP/pSB1K3, kerP + linearizied plasmid backbone pSB1K3
- Transformation of three other promotor (BBa_J23100, BBa_J23119, BBa_J23119) and one RBS (BBa_B0034) into Zymo Competent Mix and Go cells
- Preparation Mini-Prep and glycerol storage at -80°C freezer of promotor (BBa_K206000): final concentration: 77,8 ng/µl
- Growing of a single colony (KeratinaseA: BBa_K1717000 , KeratinaseUS: BBa_K1717173) in 5 mL LB media + chloramphenicol (35 µg/mL) at 37°C
- Transformation of Ligation-product kerP_pSB1K3 with electroporation preparing competent cells (protocol igem)
- Preparation Mini-Prep and glycerol storage at -80°C freezer of (KeratinaseA: BBa_K1717000 , KeratinaseUS: BBa_K1717173): final concentration: BB-K1717000: 305 ng/µl, BBa_K1717173: 232,4 ng/µl
- Mini-prep (jenabioscience kit): BBa_23119, BBa_23115, RBS BBa_B0034
- Transformation of BBa_J04450 -> making pSB1K3 backbone
- Colony-PCR with colony kerP_pSB1K3
- Transformation of two signal peptides: pelB: BBa_K208004 and OmpA: BBa_ K103006 in Zymo Competent mix and go cells
- Transformation of BBa_J04450 cut (with E and P) and kerP-> Zymo Mix & Go
- Single colonies of signal peptides BBa_K208004 and BBa_ K103006 are plated on agar plates and incubated at 37 °C
- Primer-Design and ordering
- Growing of a single colony (BBa_K208004 and BBa_ K103006) in 5 mL LB media + chloramphenicol (35 µg/mL) at 37°C
- Prepration of LB medium and agar plates
- Preparation Mini-Prep and glycerol storage at -80°C freezer of signal peptides (BBa_K208004 and BBa_ K103006): BBa_K208004: final concentration: 268,7 ng/µl and BBa_K103006: 187,9 ng/µl
- pSB1K3_kerP + 5ml LB over night at 37°C, BBa-J04450 + 5ml LB over night at 37°C
- Mini-prep kerP and BBa_J04450
- Overlapping PCR for kerP,kerA,kerUS and signal peptids OmpA/pelB
PCR-cycler conditions:
Step | Cycles | Temperature | Time |
Denaturation | 98°C | 30 sec | |
Annealing | 35 | 68°C | 30 sec |
Elongation | 72°C | 2 min | |
final extension | 1 | 72°C | 2 min |
hold | 4-10°C |
- Agarose gel with PCR products, repeat overlapping PCR for kerP,kerA,kerUS and signal peptids OmpA/pelB split of for better range of annealing temperature (65°C)
- Preparation PCR for KeratinaseA: BBa_K1717000 , KeratinaseUS: BBa_K1717173
- Preparation PCR Purification:
- OA-A: 73,4 ng/µl
- KA-OA:90,4ng/µl
- KA-PB: 77,4 ng/µl
- PB-A: 22,8 ng/µl
- KUS-PB: 110,8 ng/µl
- PB/US: 13,9 ng/µl
- KUS-OA: 81,9 ng/µl
- OA-US: 99.5 ng/µl
- Gibson Calculater:
- Vektor: 163 ng/µl
- KerA+OmpA: 173 ng/µl
- OA-A: 162 ng/µl
- Kerus-OmpA, Vektor: 176 ng/µl
- KUS-OA: 188 ng/µl
- OA-US: 175 ng/µl
- Transformation into Zymo competent mix and go cells afterwards.
- Preparation of Keratinase-Assay. Due to troubles to dilute Azo-Keratine, Assay was not successful and has to be repeated.
- Preparation of Azo-Keratine (milling) in Tris/HCL Buffer (pH 8) (2,94 g Tris into 500 ml HCL Buffer)
- Keratinase assay -> preparing substrate azure keratin, problems with insoluble substrate
- Gibson Assembly KerA-ompA, ompA-KerA, KerUS-ompA and ompA-KerUS in psB1C3 backbone
- Preparation semi-quantitative keratinase-assay: spread kerUS, KerA and KerP on chloramphenicol/kanamycin agar plates (o/n incubation, 37°C)
- Preparation skim-milk-plate assay: preparation of skim-milk-agar-plates with chloramphenicol/kanamycin
- Loading sceme on gel for restriction digest for kerA and KerUS M-KerA-KerUS-BBa_J23115-BBa_J23119_BBa_K206000
- Preparation semi-quantitative keratinase-assay: preparation of o/n cultures (37°C)
- Preparation skim-milk-plate assay: preparation of o/n cultures (37°C)
- Preparation of miniprep (Jena Bioscience), standard assembly (used restriction enzymes: EcoRI, XbaI, SpeI) and transformation of: KerA-OmpA and KerUS-OmpA with each of them combined to three promotors: BBa_J23119, BBa_J23115, BBa_K206000.
- Semi-quantitative keratinase-assay: add 0.005 g of dried hair (65 °C, 1h) to o/n cultures (KerUS and KerA are induced with 1mM IPTG before) - 5 days incubation, 37°C (link results)
- Skim-milk-plate assay kerP - spread on prepared skim-milk agar plates (supernatant and cells) - 4 days incubation, room temperature (link results)
- Skim-milk-plate assay kerUS and KerA - spread on prepared skim-milk agar plates (supernatant and cells) - 4 days incubation, room temperature (link results)
- Sequencing of keratinase plasmids: pSB1C3-KerA-ompA, pSB1C3-KerUS-ompA, pSB1C3-KerA_Kanada and pSB1C3-KerUS-Kanada
- Ligation with kerP digest and pSB1C3 backbone
- Analysis of Sequencing (GATC) of different fragments:
- KerA-OmpA: FW: 1057 bp, RV: 772 bp
- KerUS-OmpA: FW: 1048 bp, RV: 789 bp
- KerA (BBa_K1717000): FW: 1107 bp, RV: 837 bp
- KeratinaseUS (BBa_K1717173): FW: 1148 bp
- Measurment of DNA concentration with Nano-Drop:
- Biobasic KerUS pet28b+:30,3 ng/µl
- Biobasic KerA pet28b+:74,0 ng/µl
- KerUS pet28b+:1286,7 ng/µl
- KerA pet28b+:2465,4 ng/µl
- KerUS pSB1C3:1588,2 ng/µl
- KerA pSB1C3:1826,2 ng/µl
- GATC Sequencing of:
- KerP pet28b+
- KerUS pSB1C3
- KerA pSB1C3
- KerA pet28b+
- KerUS pet28b+
- Preparation of Lipase Assay with 0M and 3M induction of IPTG and five different substrate concentrations: 2,5; 5; 10 ; 15; 20 µg/ml
- Cell Lysis of different Keratinases strains (look it up from the days before)
Rose and Limonene Fragrance
- Preparation of: miniprep (Jena Biosciences Kit)and glycerol stock (pET28a-KDC-YjgB-ARO8: 351,9 ng/µl and pET28a-ATF1: 352,5 ng/µl)
- Preparation of Kanamycin stocks (50µg/ml)
- Preparation of LB-Agar plates with kanamycin (50 µg/mL)
- Preparation of LB-Agar plates with kanamycin (50 µg/mL)
- Sequencing of rose fragrance plasmids from Guo et al. (pET28a-KDC-YjgB-ARO8 and pET28a-ATF1)
- Overlap-PCR of 1.pBAD (BBa_K206000), 2.KDC-YjgB-ARO8, 3.ATF1 and 4.pBAD-KDC-YjgB-ARO8
- PCR-Purification and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of PCR products, PCR 4 (pBad-KDC-YjgB-ARO8) not sucessfull
- Measurment of DNA concentration with Nano-Drop:
- KDC-YjgB-ARO8:54,4 ng/µl
- ATF1:57,4 ng/µl
- pBAD:140,7 ng/µL
- Preparation PCR Lemonen and Agarose-Gel
- Preparation of LB-Agar plates with kanamycin (50 µg/mL) and chloramphenicol (35 µg/mL)
- Repeat of PCR 4 (pBAD-KDC-YjgB-ARO8)
- PCR-Purification and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of PCR product 4
- PCR 4 (pBAD-KDC-YjgB-ARO8) not successful
- Transformation of Limonene-plasmid and over-night incubation on agar-plates with kanamycin (50 µg/mL) at 37°C
- Gibson Assembly of rose PCR-overlap products pBAD, KDC-YjgB-ARO8 and ATF1 in psB1K3 backbone
- Gibson Calculater:
- pSB1K3: 0,55 µL
- pBAD: 0,74 µL
- KDC-YjgB-ARO8: 1,91 µL
- ATF1: 1,81 µL
- Transformation of assembled rose-plasmid and over-night incubation on agar-plates with kanamycin (50 µg/mL) at 37°C
- Rose-plasmid Transformation successful
- Single colonies are plated on agar plates and incubated at 37 °C over night
- Verification of transformed rose-plasmid by colony-PCR
- Agarose-gel-electrophoresis of colony-PCR product - colony-PCR not successful
- Repeat of colony-PCR with transformed rose-plasmid
- Agarose-gel-electrophoresis of colony-PCR product - colony-PCR not successful
- Repeat of colony-PCR with transformed rose-plasmid
- Agarose-gel-electrophoresis of colony-PCR product - colony-PCR not successful
- Mini-prep of transformed rose-plasmid
- Nanodrop Measurement:
- Colony 1: 192,1 ng/µL
- Colony 2: 159,8 ng/µL
- Colony 3: 159,1 ng/µL
- Colony 4: 100,1 ng/µL
- Colony 5: 118,2 ng/µL
- Restriction assay of isolated rose-plasmid, cut with SpeI
- Verification of restriction product by agarose-gel-electrophoresis - not successful
- Repeat Gibson Assembly of rose PCR-overlap products pBAD, KDC-YjgB-ARO8 and ATF1
- Transformation of assembled rose-plasmid and over-night incubation on agar-plates with kanamycin (50 µg/mL) at 37°C - transformation not successful
- Repeat Restriction assay of isolated rose-plasmid, cut with EcoRI - not successful
- Verification of restriction product by agarose-gel-electrophoresis - not successful
- Gibson Assembly of limonene PCR-products () in psB1C3 backbone
- Transformation of assembled rose-plasmid and over-night incubation on agar-plates with kanamycin (50 µg/mL) at 37°C - transformation not successful
- Gibson-Assembly:
- PSB1C3: 1,75 µl
- F1: 1,36 µl
- F2: 1,89 µl
- Repeat of colony-PCR with transformed rose-plasmid, temperature range from 58-70 °C
- Agarose-gel-electrophoresis of colony-PCR product - colony-PCR not successful
- M9 media preparation
- Repeat overlap-PCR of pBad and KDC-YjgB-ARO8
- Verification of PCR products by agarose-gel-electrophoresis
- Sequencing of transformed rose fragrance plasmid (pSB1K3-pBad-KDC-YjgB-ARO8-ATF1)
- Sequencing of transformed limonene fragrance plasmid (pSB1C3-pBad)
- Repeat Gibson Assembly of rose PCR-overlap products pBAD, KDC-YjgB-ARO8 and ATF1, plasmid backbones pSB1K3 and pSB1C3
- Transformation of assembled rose-plasmid and over-night incubation on agar-plates with kanamycin (50 µg/mL) and chloramphenicol (35 µg/mL) at 37°C - transformation not successful
- Repeat transfomation of rose-plasmid in competent NEB-cells and and over-night incubation on agar-plates with kanamycin (50 µg/mL) and chloramphenicol (35 µg/mL) at 37°C - transformation successful
- Verification of transformed rose-plasmid by colony-PCR
- Agarose-gel-electrophoresis of colony-PCR product - colony-PCR not successful