In the summertime~~
InterLab take #2 (we had problems with our first attempt), successful this time. Landed sponsoring deal with OsloTech, scheduled to present at Cutting Edge festival. Agreeing on collaboration with teams from NTNU and Hefei. Started attempting transformations of E.Coli and cloning of parts into pSB1C3, and composite part into pJK148 (yeast expression vector).
The dreaded end of summer
Presented for an expert group that provided feedback on our ideas. Landed sponsoring with Thorlabs, GATC and Senter for Digitalt Liv Oslo. Presented for bioscience master student and new physics students. Continued work on cloning, but facing problems. Heavy troubleshooting. Harvested a new batch of sfGFP. Participated in ethics discussion arranged by Uppsala iGEM.
Wrapping up
Manages to successfully clone composite part and nmt1 into submission vector. Equipment from Thorlabs arrive, able to test laser setup with mirrors on both sfGFP-expressing yeast and a extracted protein solution. Presented our work to the Norwegian Minister of Education. Wrapping up collaboration with Hefei and NTNU.