
Test Bed

Testing HTML, CSS & JS

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vestibulum arcu ultricies nulla volutpat interdum. Donec quis eros ut felis elementum facilisis eu sed leo. Nam faucibus volutpat mauris at ultrices. Aliquam iaculis est ut ante finibus convallis. Phasellus ac risus ac neque vulputate imperdiet. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas semper eget lacus eu vehicula. Mauris a lacinia risus. Mauris faucibus mi ligula, sit amet interdum urna tempor ut. Aliquam in venenatis nisi, ac feugiat sem. Sed accumsan ultricies leo, quis dictum dolor eleifend in. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus tempor, enim quis rutrum scelerisque, tortor tortor scelerisque ipsum, at ornare metus elit non ipsum. Duis et justo metus. Vivamus fermentum, augue id fringilla viverra, odio mauris scelerisque mauris, vel molestie dolor eros eget lectus. Aliquam accumsan ornare eros, in rhoncus mauris rhoncus in. Pellentesque eleifend sem ut nibh interdum, vitae euismod dolor dictum. Nunc non metus elementum, imperdiet justo at, molestie odio. Aliquam auctor vel risus sed efficitur. Quisque sagittis ac diam id malesuada. Sed sit amet interdum leo. Proin molestie hendrerit ex, vel vulputate sapien semper in. Vestibulum blandit turpis justo, eget faucibus arcu vehicula ac. Curabitur sit amet purus pretium, dignissim risus a, pharetra lorem. Pellentesque metus tellus, consectetur vel tincidunt ut, varius vel dolor. Morbi at turpis suscipit, viverra diam sit amet, scelerisque odio. Duis laoreet sem posuere, rhoncus tellus quis, gravida leo. In imperdiet venenatis massa nec semper. Vestibulum sit amet scelerisque neque. Duis convallis ultricies justo, id faucibus lacus porttitor nec. Ut ornare nisi vel nunc vestibulum, et maximus dolor porttitor. Aliquam gravida velit quis turpis hendrerit, eu fermentum enim cursus. Vivamus sed fermentum arcu. In nec erat in turpis lacinia lacinia. Quisque a erat in metus aliquam tristique. Quisque venenatis quis purus vel accumsan. Etiam sit amet molestie nulla, nec pulvinar tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam pulvinar ullamcorper lorem at scelerisque. Fusce commodo purus non pulvinar hendrerit. Pellentesque rhoncus ac felis nec tempus. Fusce sit amet congue massa. Sed dolor quam, venenatis eget orci in, interdum vulputate sem. Morbi tortor arcu, placerat eu rhoncus viverra, rhoncus et risus. Nam non consequat urna, vitae mattis nibh. Donec a ornare diam, vel tincidunt lacus. Morbi in egestas felis, vel venenatis magna. Nulla dolor sapien, consequat et malesuada eget, porta et nibh. Pellentesque volutpat arcu eu ex venenatis, id gravida lectus sodales. Quisque in posuere quam. Proin porttitor gravida ex, ut ultricies eros consequat id. Praesent eget mi eros.
Sam F: a proud member of Homo cynicus.
Sam A: likes to pretend he's only half German... but look at him.
Helen: loud and proud. Mostly loud.

iGEM York 2017

DIHM Assisted Co-culture Optimization

About our project

A collaboration of the sciences

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Genetically engineering C. reinhardtii and E. coli in order to form a co-culture to allow the creation of biofuels.


Using optical diffraction to create and probe 3D images through holography in order to monitor co-cultures.


Taking images using the hardware and turning this into a holograph, then analysing this image to optimise co-cultures.

With the decreasing supply but increasing demand for fossil fuels, biofuels are a renewable alternative to help cope with our growing energy needs. We aim to develop and optimize a stable microbial co-culture system whereby the source of energy is light, and carbon flows from CO₂ in the atmosphere to synthesise a biofuel. This simple synthetic microbial community will comprise Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, an algae, that will produce sugars through photosynthesis to feed the biofuel-producing Escherichia coli, ideally resulting in a growth system that could reduce the cost of feedstock materials for biofuel production. However, their differing growth rates would likely result in an unstable system in which one organism might outgrow the other.

To monitor the ratio of C. reinhardtii to E. coli, we will be using Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM). This involves illuminating a sample of the co-culture with a laser and observing the diffraction pattern formed by the microbes. This pattern is sensitive to the wavelength of the laser light, the distance from the co-culture sample and the shape, size and position of the microbes. The mathematical and physical relationship between these quantities is well described, so we can calculate what the cross-section of the sample would look like at various levels. This allows us to form a stack of 2D images which, when combined, represent the 3D sample. We can then analyse this stack of images to track the number of each type of microbe present.

Images are taken from a Raspberry Pi computer and sent to a Windows machine where a piece of MATLAB code forms a stack of 2D images which, when combined, represent the 3D sample. We can then analyse this stack of images to establish the number of each type of microorganism present in the co-culture. From this information we will be able to compare these results to our mathematical model, where we can then modify the conditions of the co-culture through the use of the Raspberry Pi in order to optimise the growth of the bacteria, which will then increase output of the ethanol from the system. The whole process is tied together through a Windows Application written in C#, allowing a user to fully control the system without any interaction with the code itself.