Safety is the pillar on which our work stands.
Integrating safety into our lab environment did evidently
facilitate the lab procedures
for us and helped us ensure the well-being of all our team members.
Here are some of the points that were integrated into our safety rules.
Lab Safety:
While being in the lab, we followed standard lab safety rules to prevent
contamination or injuries.
-Wearing gloves and lab coats.
-Disinfecting the lab before starting every time.
-Following chemical safety protocols.
-Maintaining a well-organized schedule
-Keeping food and drink out of the lab
-Recording work in the lab.
Work Safety:
All our used parts and competent cell were within the risk group 1 as set by the IGEM safety
committee. We worked with Escherichia coli strains NEB 5-alpha Competent E.coli K-12.
The CircRNA hsa-circ-000064 and target gene were chosen from bioinformatics databases
which met the criteria of the hypothesis of our project.