This theory states that if we increase number of devices in a single plasmid will have a lower expression rate than an equal number of cells having number of plasmids doubled, each with a single device.
In order to prove this concept, we carried out an experiment in the lab. We chose to work with one of the most used parts from the iGEM registry, an RFP coding device; BBa_ J04450. This device is also preferred to be used for testing the competent cells and also recommended to be as a positive control for transformations. It gives light purplish-red color under visible light after about 18hours and bright pinkish-red under
PLASMID reconstruction
We joined together two RFP-coding devices first and then inserted in pSB1C3 plasmid backbone.
Distance between -35 and -10 base pairs is 19 base pairs i.e.
Growth after transformations of cells having plasmids with double RFP devices.
For comparison, we also ligated RFP-coding devices in two different plasmids i.e. pSB1C3 and pSB1A3, and transformed them both together.
Transformed colonies cells having double plasmids with single devices.
To justify the theory, two different measurements were taken into account:
We took the following four samples and compared their results.
Control ( having no bacteria)
RFP (bacteria having one RFP gene in pSBIC3)
RFP 2 (bacteria having 2 RFP genes in pSBIC3)
D RFP (bacteria having 1 RFP gene in pSBIC3 and one in pSBIA3)
For each sample 5ml fresh LB broth, 5ul of antibiotic and 200ul of the overnight culture was taken in the 50ml falcon tubes and were placed in the shaking incubator.
Picture taken after one hour of incubation
After placing the tubes in the incubator, optical density was checked at:
Time A= 0mins, time B= 30mins, time C= 60mins, time D= 90mins, time E= 120mins, time F= 150mins, time G= 180mins and time H= 210mins.
This graph clearly shows that even after taking almost same number of cells RFP expression happened to be faster than all other samples.
It’s vivid from the graph that RFP2 and RFPD have almost the same number of cells showing O.D of 1.335 and 1.350 respectively. But when it comes to color change, bacteria having RFP 2 changed its color earlier than D RFP which means that bacteria having RFP 2 have lower expression time.
Color change appeared in RFP2 after 5 hours of incubation
Gradual difference in the colors of all of cultures is also shown below:
Picture A, B, C and D were taken after 7hrs, 12hrs, 17hrs and 24hrs of incubation.